Our Latest Blogs

RtoR Mental Health Awareness Month: Now We Want to Hear from You!

At last!  The end of May is here and I can write the final post of the day for this year’s Mental Health Awareness Month.  It isn’t easy posting on a new mental health topic every day and now I have a much better appreciation for what it is like to be in the publishing business with a deadline to meet – Every Single Day!   Fortunately, I have had the help of our new Associate Editor, Veronique Hoebeke, to share the writing responsibilities.

Highlights from the last month of posts include:

A review of a new superhero movie

The latest in unwelcomed fashion trends

The debut of our new “Connecting Families” video

A remembrance of the Nobel Prize winner John Nash, Jr

A war poem for Memorial Day remembering those who sacrificed

A new definition of mental health recovery

A great new activity from Laurel House’s Thinking Well program

Veronique and I have a lot to say in the last 30 days.  Now it’s time to hear from you!

We want to know… What did you like?  What did you not like?  What topics would you like to see covered in the future?

If you read one of our posts for Mental Health Awareness Month and it meant something to you, please consider leaving a comment in the Comments section at the bottom of each post or send me an email at jayboll@laurelhouse.net. And if you are really brave and like to write, perhaps you would consider writing on a topic dear to your heart as a guest blogger for this site.   Just send an email to the same address with a proposal for your story idea and we can talk it over.

I have enjoyed the challenge of writing a post a day in celebration of Mental Health Awareness Month and hope that you will continue to follow the blog throughout the year.


Throughout the month of May, RtoR.org will release a daily Post
of the Day in observance of Mental Health Awareness Month

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Jay Boll, Editor in Chief www.rtor.org

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