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The Landscape of College Students’ Mental Health

College Mental Health

College is often described as a formative period filled with learning, self-discovery, and personal growth. However, it is also marked by significant challenges that can have a profound impact on students’ mental health. According to the American College Health Association (ACHA), more than 60% of college students reported feeling overwhelming anxiety, while nearly 40% experienced […]

Substance Use in College: Helping Young Adults Stay Safe by Understanding Patterns of Use

Male college student drinking beer and gaming

First semesters are starting across the country, and college freshmen have immersed themselves in an environment unlike any they’ve been in before. Without parental oversight, this year’s 18-year-olds will begin the rites of adulthood, surrounded by large amounts and varieties of alcohol and drugs. College freshmen are at the end of adolescence and the beginning […]

How to Study for College When You Are Struggling with Your Mental Health

Close-up of female college student studying.

Studying for a college degree can be an enjoyable, rewarding pursuit. However, if you’re struggling with your mental health, the challenges and responsibilities that come with college life can feel overwhelming. Here are a few tips to help you find the right support and make the most of your academic journey when you’re struggling with […]

Back to School Support for New Canaan College Students with Mental Health Conditions

students walking on college campus

**updated 8/20/24** As the summer draws to a close and the new school year approaches, college students with mental health conditions and their families should be taking steps to ensure the necessary supports are in place. Anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges can significantly impact a student’s academic and personal life. Laurel House and its […]

How the Race for Grades in College Affects Students’ Mental Health

stressed student studying

We expect schools, professors, and parents to check in on their students and be aware of their mental health. Putting constant pressure on students to become adults without providing relief and periodic guidance to encourage them in positive ways is a toxic practice that can lead to academic disaster. In this article, we’ll explore the […]

Coping with the Stress of College: Tips for Students

3 students in café.

Life is stressful. There is no way around it. But it can be even more stressful for students graduating from high school and continuing to college. Many teens already have busier schedules than they can manage. The transition from the family home to a college dorm or off-campus housing creates more pressure on them. Having […]

The Warning Signs of Depression and Anxiety in College Students

exhausted college student

College can be a stressful and overwhelming time. Students with depression or an anxiety disorder may struggle to function and pass their classes. Students dealing with these issues for the first time may not even recognize they have a problem. Without help, they may have serious trouble coping in this new environment. Knowing the  warning […]

10 Things College Students Can Do to Help Their Mental Health

college student studying

Student mental health challenges are real, and colleges struggle to keep up. The college years can be some of the most stressful and overwhelming times in a young person’s life. Balancing academics, social activities, and personal responsibilities can affect even the most well-adjusted student’s mental health. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 1 […]

Managing the College Stress Epidemic for Students

College can be an exciting time in young people’s lives, as they explore their independence and prepare for a bright future. However, it can also be a period of transition, growth, and changes, often leading to stress in college students. While some stress can be beneficial in motivating students to develop their competencies and skills, […]

Academic Burnout in College Students: How to Prevent It

happy young woman studying.

College is supposed to be a safe place where learning, growth, and fun interconnect to give young adults a once-in-a-lifetime experience. However, the quest for academic validation, success, and the natural human desire to learn new things can become a daunting experience—leaving students with nothing but stress and apathy. We call that academic burnout. According […]

Mind and Body: The Benefits of Exercise for College Students’ Mental Health

two friends running on beach

As a college student, staying fit and getting in shape might not seem like much of a priority. Finding the time to exercise is often tricky when balancing the need to study and attend lectures, all while maintaining an active social life. But it turns out that exercise can have real benefits for your mental […]

How to Reduce Your Stress and Anxiety from Distance Learning

Asian student with laptop

With the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic and the coming hyper-connected post-COVID world, distance learning is now more popular than ever before. Yet, it’s bringing with it a new wave of problems, including anxiety, stress, and other mental health issues. Since distance learning is a relatively new thing, these unforeseen problems are still being discovered, […]

Exam Stress: How to Recognize and Deal With It

student at desk writing on paper

Stress is a state of the nervous system at times when something unusual happens to a person. It can be positive (eustress) and negative (distress). Nothing needs to be done about eustress because it usually has positive effects on a person’s mental state. Distress is associated with negative emotions and harms health. How do I […]

5 Biggest Stresses LGBTQ Students Face in College Life

young black man in front of pride colors.

It’s hard enough for young people to learn to be themselves and cope with other’s opinions of them. Students who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer/questioning (LGBTQ) may find this phase of life particularly stressful or difficult. In reality, when it comes to mental health, they face specific challenges. Discrimination toward LGBTQ students and […]

How Introverts Can Handle a Highly Social Environment with Ease

students socializing

As an introvert, you come with an unwritten rule “handle with care.” You tend to focus on nature and gravitate to quiet places, where you can spend time with yourself and get lost in the maze of your thoughts. However, the world has so much to offer. To experience it, you need to step out […]

Why You Should Be Journaling on Your Lunch Break (and Why Bullet Journals Are the Way to Go)

laptop and bullet journal

Spending just 15-20 minutes each day writing down your thoughts in a journal can dramatically improve your mental and physical health. Coincidentally, this is a chunk of time that can easily be slotted into your lunch break at work or school. There are many benefits to keeping a journal. Sometimes, though, it can seem daunting […]

Is Productivity a Skill or a Trait: Tips for College Students

young adult reading in library

People desire to be productive at their offices, businesses, at home, and in school. Productivity skills can make you more effective, less stressed, and more successful in life. Balancing life and school life can be challenging for many students. You spend a lot of time attending classes, completing assignments, going to work, and socializing with […]

Mental Health Care for Students of Color: What’s Missing and What Colleges Can Do

black college student

Mental health is critical, especially during a time like college, when schoolwork, social pressures, and other life factors can make it easy to let self-care fall by the wayside. What’s often not discussed is the disparity between white students’ access to mental health services and the more limited access people of color have to those […]

Launching Into Adulthood: Redefining Expectations, Creating Meaning, and Taking Control of Your Narrative

desert sunset

What do you want to be when you grow up? We’re all asked this seemingly harmless question from a very young age. But the truth is this is such a loaded question. Most who ask this question are interested in what type of job we want to do or field we’d like to work in. […]

7 Self-Care Rituals for Students You Should Know About

students at a desk

When a student laments about being tired or overwhelmed, people often brush it off as normal student life. Even though students are usually young and healthy people, this doesn’t mean they can always bear the world’s weight on their shoulders. Going through college or university is no easy feat, and if you add family and […]

How to Make Friends and Socialize Safely this Semester during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Whether your college has moved entirely online this semester or you’re working with a hybrid campus situation, this school year will be different from what you’re used to — and what you expected. Whether you’re embarking on the college experience for the first time or returning to your classes, the coronavirus pandemic will change the […]

College Students – How to Self-Develop While Stuck at Home Over the Summer

woman reading

Due to coronavirus, you may not be able to work at an internship or travel anywhere new this summer. Thankfully, it’s still possible to learn and grow while you stay home. In fact, it’s probably the best way to use your free time. When you aren’t at school, you can continue to gain knowledge that’s […]

What High School Graduates Can Expect for College Post-Coronavirus

student face mask

Graduating from high school should be an exciting time when all students celebrate their academic achievements. This spring, many new grads have had a complicated reaction to leaving their schools. On the one hand, it’s thrilling to await the college independence that’s right around the corner. On the other hand, coronavirus has created many new […]

How I Functioned through Test Anxiety

studying for exam

First grade, the earliest I can recall is the feeling of a flood of overwhelming thoughts and body sensations. First grade was when it all started, timed math tests and pop spelling quizzes. Even in my youthful brain, I had racing thoughts, self-criticism, and negative self-talk and butterflies in my stomach, both before and during […]

How Students Can Maintain Their Mental Health While Engaging in Online Learning During the Coronavirus Pandemic

online learning

The spread of COVID-19, also known as the novel coronavirus, is changing what we consider normal. We’re practicing social distancing to try to slow the spread of the virus, and in many parts of the world, that also includes shutting down schools and making the switch to online learning. While this can be a useful […]

9 Ways to Help Your Child Handle College Stress

college student laptop

Alex was an outstanding high school student. He took all the AP classes he could and left for college with a number of credits already under his belt. Life was good. The shock came pretty quickly. Here was a completely new “ball game.” While he breezed through his high school courses, the academic expectations of […]

Maintaining Health and Wellness at College

college student studying

This guest post by student wellness expert Alyssa Abel was added to our publishing queue more than a month ago, before the advent of the coronavirus COVID19 in the United States. Now, with many colleges and universities moving to online classes and scaling back on-campus operations, these tips for maintaining student health and wellness are […]

Top 10 Ways for LGBTQ Students To Flourish In Freshman Year of College

LGBTQ rainbow

The prospect of the first year of college is daunting for anyone. Add to that the complications and difficulties inherent to the LGBTQ experience and you might be wondering if you’re in for a really difficult year. With some perspective and a little guidance, things which once appeared like mighty mountains to climb will become […]

6 Things Colleges Can Do for Better Student Mental Health

college lecture

College can be a hard time for some students. In addition to the anxiety that comes with leaving home and forming new friendships, they face academic stress and worry over their future. Many students struggle to keep up with their classes while handling personal mental health conditions. How can campus officials do more to promote […]

Stressed-Out, Anxious, and Depressed on Campus – A Review of a New Guidebook for Parents on the Challenges of College for Today’s Emerging Adults

stressed college student reading textboox

The Stressed Years of Their Lives: Helping Your Kid Survive and Thrive During Their College Years A review of the book by Janet Hibbs, PhD, MFT and Anthony Rostain, MD, MA A depressed young adult named Nick lives at home with his parents, playing video games all night and rarely venturing outside of the house. […]

How to Navigate College and Combat Unhealthy Perfectionism

How to Combat Maladaptive Perfectionism

Striving for perfection is a good thing—isn’t it? Turns out, the answer may not be that simple. According to experts, the response to perfectionist tendencies is what matters most. With all the pressures they face, college students are especially vulnerable to the hazards of perfectionism and the effects it can have on mental health and […]

Supportive Mental Health Services for College Students

If you’re heading off to college, no doubt you feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness. However, if you live with a mental health disorder, you may experience greater anxiety than other students. You probably have a host of questions, too. Where can you turn if you find yourself in crisis while on campus? How […]

Depression in College Students: The Warning Signs

depressed student

College is an exciting, eye-opening, fun-filled, chaotic and sometimes stressful time. College students not only work hard but often play hard too, and this lifestyle of burning the candle at both ends, combined with often not eating as well as they should, can lead to exhaustion and feelings of stress. In more severe cases, due […]

6 Emotional & Mental Health Issues on College Campuses

college ivy

With the college years being one of the busiest, and probably, the most stressful part of a young adult’s life, there definitely is a lot of risk for college students to experience a number of health issues. But aside from physical afflictions, there is also a possibility of experiencing mental and emotional health problems, if […]

Navigating College While in Recovery from a Substance Use Disorder

friends in recovery

A college campus can be overwhelming for any student, let alone someone who is recovering from a substance use disorder (SUD). There are many challenges to deal with every day—such as meeting class requirements, finding a place to fit in with new friends, and dealing with the increased availability of alcohol and other substances. With […]

LGBTQ College Guide: How to Take Care of Your Mental Health on Campus

For youth within the LGBTQ community, finding a school with a supportive environment is essential, but it’s even more important for LGBTQ teens going into college. College can be overwhelming initially, so finding the right mental health support is vital. Incoming students should do their research on the college that’s right for them and make […]

How to Maintain Positive Mental Health During Freshman Year: College Tips for Young Adults with Mental Health Issues

group of college students having fun while studying

Change can be a wonderful and scary thing. For those starting their first year of college, this has never been more true. For some, change is an opportunity to propel themselves forward in a journey of self-discovery. For others, the stress and anxiety of being responsible for themselves and their success can be overwhelming. As […]