I dislike freeways. Unless it’s an Interstate freeway with no other vehicles around, with the windows rolled down, the music blasting, and me singing along in a very off-key voice at the top of my lungs, I’d be perfectly happy to never see another freeway again as long as I live. Believe it or not, my attitude about freeways has actually improved – a lot – over the last few years.
I know I just said I dislike freeways. But I used to hate them. Hate. Them.
They were the bane of my existence. I lived with an intense, daily dread of freeways and nervously counted the hours until I would have to face one again. I lived in the Bay Area in California at the time, and avoiding freeways was nearly impossible, especially considering I was a single dad raising two kids on my own. Try raising children in the Bay Area without driving on a freeway. I suppose it can be done, but you’d have little time to accomplish anything else.
I was suffering from freeway phobia. A phobia is defined as a pervasive, irrational fear of a situation or object. The phobia sufferer’s fear is so intense, he or she will go to extreme lengths to avoid said object or situation. Approximately 10% of the US population lives with at least one phobia, and that estimate is probably low.
Some phobias are easier to live with than others. If you have an irrational fear of clowns (coulrophobia) say, you can manage that phobia fairly easily. Because, how often does the average person come into contact with clowns, really? Not very often. But as a person living in a densely populated urban area connected by freeways, avoiding the source of my phobia wasn’t really an option for me. I had to learn how to cope with my fears.
I’ll talk about how I did that a little later on. But for now, let’s take a look at the top 10 things nobody tells you about living with freeway phobia. I wish someone had told me these things. It might have prompted me to get help for my phobia much sooner than I did.
Top 10 Things Nobody Tells You About Freeway Phobia
- It’s a widespread problem that no one talks about – An estimated 40 million American adults have an anxiety disorder. Driving anxiety is a huge problem for millions of people, yet there’s very little information available that’s reliable. My work with sufferers of driving anxiety over the years has taught me that fear of freeway driving is the number one issue anxious drivers face.
- It makes it hard to get places – Freeways are an unavoidable part of the driving experience for many people. Try living in almost any large urban area without driving on freeways. It’s difficult, if not downright impossible, to do.
- It eats into your time – Freeways are often the fastest route between point A and point B. That’s kind of the whole point of freeways. Driving secondary roads with more stop signs and traffic lights can slow your forward progress to a crawl. Many people simply don’t have the time not to take the freeway.
- Most people don’t get what you’re so scared of – Granted, no one likes freeway driving, especially in heavy traffic. But most people accept it as a necessary, albeit annoying, part of daily living. Having panic attacks because of the freeway is not something most people know how to relate to.
- Freeway phobia is hard on your relationships – The limited mobility that tends to accompany freeway phobia can severely limit your ability to participate in social gatherings and maintain a healthy social life.
- It can make other anxiety issues worse – People with driving anxiety usually struggle with other anxiety disorders , like social anxiety or panic attacks. Freeway phobia can exacerbate these other issues and make them worse.
- You live in constant dread – You think forward to the times you’ll have to face the freeway with dread. You obsess over it, and the thought of it hangs over you like a dark cloud.
- You fear having a panic attack on the freeway – One of the biggest fears people have on the freeway is that they’ll have a panic attack and either hurt or kill someone. This very rarely happens, but the anticipation of a panic attack makes many avoid the freeway altogether.
- Freeway phobia can be difficult to treat – Successful treatment requires you to face your fears and do at least some freeway driving. There is no overnight cure for freeway phobia. It takes work and commitment.
- It gets worse the longer it goes untreated – Like all phobias, the longer freeway phobia goes untreated, the worse it gets, which makes treating it successfully that much harder.
Top Treatment Options for Freeway Phobia
I have good news and bad news.
The good news is, freeway phobia is highly treatable. I myself have mostly overcome my own fear of the freeway. I still don’t like it, but I don’t avoid it either.
The bad news is, there’s really no way to overcome freeway phobia except by continuing to drive on freeways. Phobias are only defeated by facing them and taking away their power over your mind.
Fortunately, you don’t have to face your freeway phobia alone. There are several effective treatment options that are widely available, including:
- Exposure Therapy – The primary fear with freeways is becoming trapped with no way out and no way to get help. Freeway phobia is really a manifestation of agoraphobia. Exposure therapy means just what it sounds like it means. With the help of a therapist, you gradually increase your time on the freeway, exposing yourself to your fears until they subside. You’ll find that you won’t, in fact, lose control or become trapped with no way out.
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – CBT helps you identify distortions in your thinking about freeway driving. Phobias are generally irrational in nature. CBT helps you identify irrational thinking and provides concrete steps to correct it.
- Take a Defensive Driving Course – There are many books, DVDs, and online courses that teach defensive driving to improve your driving skills. Search Amazon for ideas. You can also contact your local DMV for suggestions about finding the right driving course for you.
- Hire a Driving Coach – If a self-help driving course isn’t enough, you may need an experienced driving instructor to actually be in the car with you to conquer your freeway phobia. Here’s an inspiring story about a woman who did just that.
Freeway phobia can severely restrict your life. But it is treatable. I treated mine with a combination of meditation, hypnosis, and CBT. I even developed a course for driving anxiety called Driving Peace to help teach other people with freeway phobia how to face their fears and take back control of their lives. And I’m nobody special. If I can do it, anyone can.
If you or someone you know experiences mental health issues, it is important to seek help from a qualified professional. Our Resource Specialist can help you find expert mental health resources to recover in your community. Contact us now for more information on this free service to our users.
Author Bio: Greg Weber is the creator of Driving Peace, an easy-to-use program of very simple techniques to end driving anxiety, also known as driving phobia and fear of driving.
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The opinions and views expressed in this guest blog do not necessarily reflect those of www.rtor.org or its sponsor, Laurel House, Inc. The author and www.rtor.org have no affiliations with any products or services mentioned in this article or linked to herein.
This is exactly what I have!! I had no idea that it was so common. I’m okay driving on the Freeway- until I come to a bridge or overpass- then I panic. Seriously panic. I hold the steering wheel with a death grip, my hands start to sweat, my knuckles turn white, my heart races, all I can think is that I’m going to twist the wheel and go flying off the bridge. It’s getting worse and worse. I’m so glad for the treatment suggestions, and I will definitely be getting “Driving Peace”!! Thanks Greg!
Freeway – The perfect opportunity to open my account and deposit some miles on the freeway. The challenge of the freeway is speed, which is 110kms/hour but then the challenge has to accepted someday. The heavy SUV and the broad roads did not make me feel the flying speed but overtaking vehicles, especially tank trucks made me work really hard. It was my Everest! When my car ran parallelly to a 10-meter long steel truck at 110kms/hour it made me shudder.Driving and my right hand on the steering wheel was tempted to move more to the right due to my phobia but then I controlled my steering wheel with my left hand. Every time I crossed a heavy vehicle, I felt a win.
Thanks for sharing that story about driving phobia. I read the linked blog post and was very interested to read about this common mental health problem from a Japanese perspective. Thanks for sharing it! – Jay
I had a near debilitating fear of driving especially in high traffic situations. I finally sought help and was able to overcome it with this awesome program I found. I now drive without too much anxiety. I’m sharing in the hopes that it will help others who have the same type of driving anxiety. https://bit.ly/2MmGD51
My issue is that I feel so disassociated to the road, when I drive on the freeway. I sometimes cannot feel my legs, and forget where I am. It’s scary to see that I’m actually driving very fast, and in no way in a position to slow down or pullover. I feel like I’m drifting into space. I don’t avoid highways, I just ride these waves of dreamlike states on the road. I hate it. When I tell other passengers how I’m driving, they always say fine – regardless of the rollercoaster emotionally occurring in my body, I’m always driving fine. I’ve driven so much on the freeway! So much! I try to remind myself of all the times I’VE BEEN FINE. Thank you for sharing your story, as I have felt very alone with this issue.
How does one find a Driving Coach or instructor for someone who ALREADY has their drivers license????
Hi Ezella.
If anxiety is impacting your ability or willingness to drive, you might try listening to this podcast… The Anxiety Coaches Podcast on Driving Anxiety
Driving anxiety is a very common problem. This one-on-one mini coaching session explains some of the causes and what you can do to cope with it. The discussion on driving anxiety starts at about five minutes into the podcast.
If this session is helpful to you, you might consider following up with a visit to a therapist who specializes in anxiety and phobias for more help with this problem.
You might also try a local driving school where you live to ask about a refresher course to help build your driving confidence.
Thank you for reading the blog and for reaching out with your question. Best wishes, Jay.
I have to drive on the highway Friday I have not done it in over 2 years… Last time I did I had to pull over and someone had to come get me. I need help and fast
It can be quite challenging to face a fear such as driving phobia after two years of not being on the highway. Thanks for reaching out. I have asked one of our Resource Specialists to contact you in private to offer assistance.
I have severe anxiety and panic attacks while driving. This has been debilitating. I need help to get my life back.
Hi Joan.
Driving anxiety can be quite debilitating, so I’m glad you reached out to us. I will ask one of our Resource Specialists to contact you in private to offer some suggestions for getting help.
I have terrible phobia of driving on the interstate and areas unfamiliar. This is causing me marital problems as my husband doesn’t understand and says I’m hurting my children by not being able go places because I can’t drive. I hate that I’m this way! I need help please!
Driving phobia is a lot more common than most people realize. It can be very limiting. Fortunately, there are treatments available that work relatively quickly without a long-term commitment to therapy.
Our Resource Specialist Denise will contact you in private to offer information.
My fear of highways is insane, my hands go numb, my heart pounds, my legs start shaking, If a I see a semi truck in my rear view the panic really sets in, I have pulled over and waited for the coast to be clear but that’s dangerous, i feel like I’m losing control. Help
Thanks for reaching out. One of our Resource Specialists will contact you in private to offer assistance.
I would like some resources. I’m having difficulty with interstate anxiety when there is high traffic.
Thanks for commenting, Dala. I will ask one of our Resource Specialists to contact you in private.
I would like help.
I would also like help! I am fine driving at low speeds but as soon as I’m going 100k or over I am scared to lose control of the vehicle, scared to be beside vehicles and semis at a high speed. My heart starts racing and I feel like I will pass out at the wheel.
This article is life-altering in the best way possible. Everything it reads breeds true for me. I have struggled with severe driving anxiety (freeway phobia) for 6 years now. I thought I was alone and so embarrassed to speak about it because I thought nobody would understand. 70% of the time I avoid driving the freeway since the day I was blacking out driving it due to gas coming in through my air vents. I have been stubborn thinking a therapist will only tell me to just “face it” and that’s what I have tried and tried to do. I’m at the point where I am so sick of it and I need help. I just want to live my life the way I used to. I want my freedom back. Any advice is appreciated!
Driving anxiety is a lot more common than people think because so many, like you, are embarrassed to talk about it. That’s understandable, but a good therapist will not judge you for it. Treatment for driving anxiety and other simple phobias can be quite effective and can often be accomplished in a limited number of sessions.
A good therapist can help a lot. One of our Resource Specialists will reach out to you in private with some suggestions for how to find the one that’s right for you.
Thanks for reading the blog and commenting.
I am so tired of living with this fear. I fear not being able to see everything, to switch lanes safely. I have no idea how people can text and drive at all. I never take the freeway, i plan so hard around it. I even plan on what side of the road i will need to be on for my next turn in advance so i wont have to switch lanes. I used to drive a small 49cc scooter (doesn’t go over 35) for years to make it so there was no way i could even go on the freeway, or even a highway. I loved that it was small and i couldn’t hit anyone in the lane next to me, since that freaks me out even having a car driving right next to me. I drive a car now, and have managed to be able to drive on highways (since i pre-plan not having to merge/ switch lanes) But i cant shake the freeway thing. I never wanted to drive, it was necessity. The couple times i tried to get over it and try the freeway something bad always happened. One time it was pouring down rain and i couldn’t see and i had to get over, i waited and waited and thought it was clear and started merging, and then i get honked at and get back in my lane its so hard to see every little thing and look around, and keep the car straight and go the right speed while trying to get over…argggg (no accident happened or has ever happened, but the thought it almost did really gets to me) the other time i only had to go a few exits, it was very late so almost no traffic, then i ended up getting sandwiched between a semi in front and behind me, plus one on both sides. I couldn’t get out. i had to go a couple extra exits before i was able to escape.
I relate to this SO much. I’m in my 40’s and have been trying to get a full license for about 10 years now. I’ve been riding out my G2 license (not a full license, mainly street driving) for so long, re-doing that test just to avoid the highway test as I have never felt ready for it. I finally did my highway test…twice…and failed both times, mostly due to intense fear and not changing lanes safely enough. I get too scared with adjacent cars going at bullet speed next to me and some people just won’t let you in, and I sometimes just can’t tell space and distance…it freaks me out! So this has been a massive issue for me and I want more than anything to finally accomplish this but don’t know how to get over this fear. Its not knowledge holding me back, its fear. At least most people on here have their license, I can’t even get that far. Any advice on how to overcome this is appreciated. Thanks for this post!
I was not familiar with the G2 license, so I looked it up and apparently that’s a license issued to beginning drivers in Canada, and perhaps in some other countries other than the US.
Perhaps a few driving lessons focused on freeway driving would help. Or if you find the thought of that too stressful perhaps you could start with a few sessions of short-term therapy such as cognitive behavior therapy (CBT).
I will ask one of our Resource Specialist to contact you in private to explain how that might work.
Omg I thought I was the only one that felt like this. I have been driving since I was 19, I am now 45. I for the past 2 years I have been nervous driving over bridges and high fast traffic behind me especially on the interstate. I had one episode one morning I was going to work and the road was blocked due to construction. I took the interstate i literally lost it!! My palms got real sweaty, my heart was racing, I couldn’t breathe,I think I may have passed out for a split second. This has never happened to me before. I don’t understand why this is happening to me. I love to drive I just take back roads avoid major interstates and bridges. Ughhhhhh help me!!
This problem is much more common than people realize, but help is available.
I will ask our Resource Specialist, Denise, to reach out to you in private to offer some assistance.
Thanks for reading the blog and commenting.
Hi Jay ,
I just think cars are deathtraps. I dont know how people can s zoom at speeds 70+ mph safely and without anxiety. I envy such control over yourself and the vehicle. I would really like some help in this area as I find not able to drive fearlessly is hindering my quality of life.
Thank you,
I 34 year old i being driving since i was 16 but something change for pas 6 month i terrify to drive i can’t pass 45 this it so embarrassing… I need help. I feel likes i going crqzy there no reason why do i have to drive so slow
I can relate so much to all of these stories and comments here. I’m almost 40 and I have this intense fear about driving on the freeway just like so many I’m OK with slower speeds on the regular streets but when it comes to the freeway car is driving adjacent to me coupled with the high speeds and the fear of not seeing everything keeps me from taking the freeway. Have you actually reset my GPS to only show me routes that don’t require me to take the freeway. I just wanna be confident and not be scared. Please please please help.
Thank you for reading the blog and leaving a comment.
I have asked our Resource Specialist, Denise Vestuti, LCSW, to contact you in private to offer some information on this issue.
I feel just like Paul
I can relate so much to all of these stories and comments here. I’m almost 40 and I have this intense fear about driving on the freeway just like so many I’m OK with slower speeds on the regular streets but when it comes to the freeway car is driving adjacent to me coupled with the high speeds and the fear of not seeing everything keeps me from taking the freeway. Have you actually reset my GPS to only show me routes that don’t require me to take the freeway. I just wanna be confident and not be scared. Please please please help.
I have had extreme fears of highways. My legs shake i get tensed and want to hit the brakes asap but cant since im in a 60plus zone. I have had nightmares of causing terrible accidents. I avoud highways for over 5 yrs now as well as long stretch roads..HELP
I have avoided the highway for 6years now. I had a really bad experience back in 2015 and I have not been able to drive on over pass or really high freeways. In my mind my vehicle is going to flip over. I’ve tried to overcome this fear but it seems to get worse. I love driving and road trips but unable to drive now due to this phobia. I would like someone to help me with this PLEASE. I want my life back
Thank you for reaching out. Our Resource Specialist Denise will contact you in private to offer some resources for dealing with this phobia.
Hi, Jay, can you share those resources with me too? I have the same problem as everyone else on this board.
It’s been years of me being afraid to drive on highways or over passes. I’ve missed so many family functions due to this. I need help, I don’t think I can carry on anymore like this
I am 58 and have a history of panic attacks. Not having them currently but about 30 years ago I had one while driving on the freeway. It took me years to be able to get back to driving on even a back low travelled highway, but have not been the driver on a freeway in 30 years. My daughter will be moving back to the area, 40 minutes away (by freeway) next Fall, and is expecting our first grandchild. I HAVE to get back to feeling comfortable driving on the freeway. If I took back roads it would take me at least twice as long to get there. My irrational fear is that I’ll have another panic attack while driving. It truly is debilitating, embarrassing, frustrating. My family knows I won’t do it, but they do not really understand it. I’ve talked with a few counselors about it and all they suggest is getting on one ramp and off the next, and extending the distance each time. The anxiety this causes me means, well, I’ve never done it. There must be a better way!! Nice to know I am not the only one 🙂
Thank you for commenting about your struggles with this issue. It’s actually a very common problem, as you can see from all the other comments. Perhaps it would help your family members to understand better if they read the article with all the comments.
Our Resource Specialist Denise will follow-up by sending you some resources that might help.
I have sevier free way driving phobia and now on medication to see if this helps. Can someone help me?
I’ve been driving since 1974 and need to drive long distances on freeways and interstates regularly. I generally have no problems except when I must use the freeway fast lanes or HOV lanes which causes me to become extremely agitated especially when I find myself in construction zones where there are a long distance of K rails along the right lane where it makes me feel trapped when it seems as though there is no way to escape traffic, the sensation puts me in a panic mode and creates a tremendous fear almost like descending on a high roller coaster. Merging from the left lanes onto a connecting freeway is another fear that I have difficulty coping with and I avoid these freeways whenever possible.
Fear of highway driving, passing trucks and driving over bridges. This all started a number of years ago but getting worse. Now I can barely be a passenger in the car when on highway or driving over bridges.
Horrible feeling . It’s hit me a couple of years now . It started for me outside Toronto on one of the busiest highways in North America . Also the fact my family were in the car and we had just come off a red eye flight . I have tried so many things . I have got through it at time to time when needed . I even had some comfortable driving experiences again after but every now and again it comes back and hits me so hard . It can be so defeating . Today we were stuck in rush house traffic when the traffic starting flowing again and everyone started to speed up again it was completely terrifying I had to get off at next exit for safety I thought . Jay if u have something that can help thanks .
Smh. I’ve been in near accidents I think three times. That could be where my fear started but I’m not sure. I”ve been on in the interstate like possibly 6 times in the several years that I have been driving. So I’ve been living in my small town, bored. The only way to break out and break free is either to move down south and take the back ways or move upwards to (possibly) more dream-like desirable area but I have to take the freeway. Merging, making right turns on red, making left turns and waiting for oncoming traffic to lessen gives me intense anxiety. I remember I was yielding to traffic on my left and felt SHARP pains in my chest. It gets worse when people start honking at you. Another nightmare is that a lot of bigger city people are moving in my area and bringing their driving rage along with them! I want to move up and move out but in order to do so I have to conquer my fear of the interstate. All I see is me failing to merge from the ramp and suddenly a car going like 80 mph crashes into me and I”m gone. Yeah. Sounds silly and its never happened to me before but you just never know! *Shudders*
I would love some info as well. I just turned 40 and this just started over the past few months . Maybe if I have some sort of solution early on I can nip it in the bit sooner then later . Thank you in advance !
I struggle with this as well. When I was younger, I could drive anywhere. Now, I struggle with driving the interstate, mostly out of fear that I don’t know where I’m going. In a world where we have devices that literally tell you where to go, I’m terrified. It gives me anxiety. But it’s really starting to impact my life and relationships. I think with practice, I could be how I used to be and just get in the car and go. I’m just having trouble taking that first step.
All this is too familiar! I am so scared of being on highways it comes from previous accidents…I hate living in fear..its better if I drive but when riding with others they get so angry with me. HELP
I have suffered from fear of driving on the freeway for over 20 years, I suffered a panic attack while on the freeway but didn’t know what it was until I went to the dr. and told him my symptoms. My mother had this same problem, can it be genetic? My family and friends all know of my disability and they accommodate me when freeway driving is required. I’m 61 now, I’m not sure I can conquer it at this point.
I could relate to almost all of these comments especially feeling “disassociated” from my body as soon as I hit the 60 mph mark. I feel like I’m floating or flying in the air to the point where my legs and feet feel detached from my body. I started driving when I was 28 years old. I became a mom for the first time and needed a car. Here I am at 44 years old and my baby girl is getting prepared to get her driver’s license. She asks why I don’t drive freeway, and I honestly had no answer other than “anxiety and fear”. I was cautious with my words and tried to change the subject because I do not want her to hold back. I plan on signing her up for driving lessons in the near future. Maybe I could research a “refresher coach” to get me in the freeway. I honestly did not know that that was an option. No idea where to research that. Do you have more info on that?
Thank you for reading the blog and leaving a comment. Please refer to the message below from our Clinical Services Director, Denise Vestuti, LCSW, on resources for coping with driving anxiety.
To Our Users,
Dozens of people have commented on this blog post about Freeway Phobia (driving anxiety), and even more have reached out to us directly for help from a Resource Specialist.
We cannot respond to each comment individually, so I have asked our Clinical Services Director and lead Resource Specialist, Denise Vestuti, LCSW, to provide information and resources below for people dealing with this issue.
I am closing new comments on this post. However, individuals and their loved ones in our service region of Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York can still contact us for free personalized support and guidance on driving anxiety or any other mental health-related issue. Just click the ASK A RESOURCE SPECIALIST button at the bottom of this webpage or click here to send us a message briefly describing your situation.
To users who have already left a comment, thank you for reading the blog and sharing your stories.
Jay Boll
Editor in Chief http://www.rtor.org
To Anyone Struggling with Driving Anxiety,
As stated in the blog post, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the recommended treatment for someone with this issue.
This type of therapy is very structured and skills-based. It is also goal-oriented, so you don’t have to go for months or years. Here’s a link to tell you more about it: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: What You Need to Know
And here’s a link to help you find a CBT therapist: http://www.findcbt.org/FAT/
The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) also has a Find the Therapist feature that may be helpful: https://members.adaa.org/search/custom.asp?id=4685
ADAA has a good article and a webinar on the issue of driving anxiety that are worth exploring:
Another type of therapy that might help is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy if you have experienced any trauma, such as from a car accident.
The EMDR Institute has a search tool for finding EMDR therapists: http://www.emdr.com/SEARCH/index.php
You can also find therapists trained in CBT and EMDR on psychology.com: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists
We are hopeful this information is valuable and informative our readers.
I’ve got cleithrophobia and my fear stems from getting stuck on the freeway for long periods of time without being able to get off… since most are access controlled. Years ago I made a choice that got me stuck for an hour behind an accident and that’s when it first happened. I still have to drive the interstate every week, but every time I am glued to Waze to be ready to get off at any sign of abnormal slowing down. It’s exhausting. Can’t even do drive-thrus if there’s no way to get out if I need to.
We appreciate you sharing as this takes a lot of courage. You will be contacted directly with some resources please check your email.
It is debilitating this feeling i cannot shake.
I feel like such a failure! Driving in California on highways and freeways is daunting task that has most recently this year changed my life for the worst! Everytime someone speeds by me above the speed limit i shudder my heart pounds and panic sets in. I was fine last year and beginning of this year what happened!
I have been struggling with this type of driving anxiety for over a year now. At first it would only come up while driving on the interstate at night but now it doesn’t matter I find myself getting so anxious and at the same time agitated driving on any interstate big or small. Before leaving my apartment now I always plan routes on my GPS that do not require to get on the interstate which I hate since I have to deal with traffic lights. In the recent past I have always enjoyed traveling to bigger cities in the US which included driving on huge multi-lane interstates and even crossing over high bridges without any issues but for some odd reason this fear hit me all of sudden last year and I’m struggling with it everyday now. Once in a while I try driving on some Interstates where I live but I just find myself cautiously pressing on the brake and breathing heavily. I especially avoid all major highway interchanges that have high overpasses since the last time I drove on one I almost had a panic attack. In the past ironically I would even enjoy driving in these conditions so I am extremely confused as to why all of a sudden this is now affecting me. I need help asap as this has affected my sense of freedom.
Thank you for reading and commenting on this blog post. We receive a lot of comments and emails like yourself around fear of freeway/highway driving, so you are not alone. I will email you directly with some resources.
Hi Vicky,
Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts.
I am sure many people reading this can also relate to how intimidating trucks can be on the highway. Exposure therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has been found to help reduce anxiety on freeways. I will email you directly with additional resources, please check your email.
My name is David, 48 yo. I am not driving highways 🛣️ since 20 years. I drove very well, fast and secure before. I am driving other roads normally. But no longer so fast. I don’t drive more than 110km/h. And now since year or so, I am scared of driving the hilly roads, or mountains. I avoid it when it comes to it. I know where ot comes from.
I can understand if I have had previously problem driving, but it is not the case.
This phobia of driving is limiting my life quite a bit, honestly.
And I want to take my power back and drive highways 🛣️ naturally without a fear or phobia.
Last months and half ago I drove one exit on a daily basis.
I am currently on a therapy and I want to overcome this fear and live a normal life, really.
I recognize that I love driving, and it is quite a joy, but the idea of not driving the highway makes me feel not well, and really capable.
I need professional support and help.
Can you suggest something?
Hi David,
Thank you for reading our guest blog and sharing your concerns. I will contact you directly with some resources, please check your email.
Hi Krish,
Thank you for reading and sharing your experience. We receive a lot of comments and emails like yourself around fear of freeway/highway driving and car accidents, so you are not alone. I will reach out to you via email with some resources.
I have always been able to drive wherever I wanted to go, and that usually involved the expressway, and I have driven across country alone. About a year ago I started having a panic attack for no apparent reason as I was nearing Birmingham, Alabama, and this terrible feeling did not go away. It felt as if my heart was going to explode. .I kept going forward in the right lane, but at a ridiculously slow speed. I made it all the way to Hattiesburg, MS, where I spent the night. The next morning I turned around and headed back home, with a continuous panic attack. The panic, however, came to s sudden stop once I hit the two lane, Ever since then i go into panic mode each time I get on the expressway. This bothers me very much. I hate to have to depend on someone else, but I just cannot do it anymore. There have been no accidents or major events, but there has been a lot of stress and anxiety in my life. What can I do? Thank you
Hi Thomas,
We appreciate you sharing your experience with us! As you can see from other comments, you are not alone. I will send you an email directly with some resources that can be helpful.