Feeling drained and exhausted after a 30-minute conversation at a party is a typical Friday night for an introvert. Add some anxiety or depression into the mix, and the troubles become all the more profound. Whether you do your best to come up with excuses to be alone, or you cannot stand the idea of making a phone call, let alone setting up a presentation, the heart-stopping apprehension and panic build-up are all the more pronounced for someone struggling with anxiety. In those moments, it’s all too easy to get stuck on the desire to just push through, and leave self-care for some other time.
However, adding some introvert-friendly and anxiety-soothing self-care practices into your life can make all the difference! These little rituals of joy prepare you for the challenges that your extrovert counterparts consider routine, such as an interaction at the grocery store or answering your phone. These little tidbits of serene solitude are the ones to help you manage your depression or anxiety, if you need an occasional boost to stay above the surface. Here are the five favorites for introverts you can use to make those extra hard days a little bit easier on your soul.
Put your hands to work
If you’re no stranger to creating things from scratch, you’ll be glad to learn that studies have shown just how much your artsy DIY projects benefit your mental wellbeing. It begins with the very decision to devote time to yourself, and extends to the idea that you will create a beautiful and purposeful object you can use, wear, or give as a present. This builds your confidence, helps you feel useful, and gives you an activity that improves your skills.
Whether it’s knitting, sewing, painting, sculpting, or anything in between, the key goal is to let your mind use all of its creative powers to give you a safe space where you can take a break from the rest of the world. These skills also draw on planning and decision-making skills, and using light colors and various fabrics can help include all of your senses, so that you can enjoy on several different levels.
Indulge in some soul pampering
Any relaxing activity that you enjoy has the power to put your mind at ease, by reducing your stress hormone levels, lowering your blood pressure, and reducing body-wide tension in the form of headaches, soreness and the like. That is precisely why we all need an occasional bubble bath immersed in essential oils that have the potential to soothe your mind, for instance.
That is also why a meditation session in the right atmosphere can have an even more profound effect on your feeling of calmness, confidence, and gratitude. When you tap into your scented candle supplies to add a calming fragrance and play some relaxing music in the background, a mindful meditation session turns into a ritual of soul-pampering. Unlike a typical extrovert who thrives around people, you can make your solitude more rewarding and enjoyable with these external factors to tantalize your senses. Find your positive affirmations to help your mind let go of everyday pressure, and enjoy your daily dose of peace.
Enjoy the green
Have you heard? Doctors in Scotland can now prescribe nature to their patients, with the aim to reduce stress, anxiety, alleviate depression, and aid in general negativity and tension. We often underestimate the effects of nature on our health, and too many of us are simply accustomed to an urbanized lifestyle. When you feel that your life has become too cumbersome, even the doctors say: head to the woods. Explore mountains on a hike, sit in the grass and look at the trees. Greenery in your home can also help create that sense of an oasis for your mind.
The beauty of time in nature for an introvert is that you can do it on your own, choose all kinds of different natural nooks, and immerse yourself in the silence. Let your mind fill with natural noises such as the wind, bird song, and river murmur. It’s enough of a distraction to help “turn off” the parts of your brain that lead to negative thoughts and exacerbate depression.
Re-think exercise
Let’s face it: you, as an introvert, will not voluntarily join an aerobics class with a drill-sergeant of an instructor screaming that you need to push yourself harder. It would only cause your stress levels to soar, and your confidence to plummet. Luckily for your anxious self, you can always rely on a soothing, but physically challenging yoga session.
In addition to complex positions called asanas, stretches that help relax muscle tension in your body, and strengthening exercises, yoga also consists of breathing exercises that help you relax and gain better control of your emotions. Combined with mantras which you can choose yourself, yoga makes for a wonderful choice for introverts who want to lead a healthier life, sans the gym crowds. You can start with an online class, follow yoga tutorials from accredited yoga teachers, or take up a class in your community if you don’t mind the company of like-minded introverts a few times per week.
Being an introvert can be a beautiful experience that gives you a unique view on life. However, the anxiety and depression that often affect introverts can stifle your spirit unless you do your best to complement your medical treatment with self-care practices that soothe your mind. Use these and many other creative outlets to care for yourself, and this extrovert-centric world of ours will soon seem like less of a hostile place for your inner introvert.
Author Bio: Sophia Smith is a beauty blogger, an eco-lifestyle lover, a graphic designer and a food enthusiast. She is very passionate about natural skincare, yoga and mindful living. Sophia writes mostly about lifestyle-related topics in her articles. She has contributed to a number of publications including: Eco Warrior Princess, Savant Magazine, Cause Artist, Just Haves, How to Simplify and Carousel.
You can find out more about her writing by following her on: Twitter
Photo by Plush Design Studio on Unsplash
The opinions and views expressed in this guest blog do not necessarily reflect those of www.rtor.org or its sponsor, Laurel House, Inc. The author and www.rtor.org have no affiliations with any products or services mentioned in this article or linked to herein.
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