When people get brain injuries, it is a delicate situation. It could lead to severe conditions such as memory loss.
Brain trauma is especially heartbreaking when it happens to children. Thankfully, with modern medicine and medical procedures, kids can recover from injuries to the brain and lead a relatively normal life.
Although it takes time, the brain can rebuild itself after an injury. But, the recovery process after a brain injury is not easy or short, especially for children. Most of the time, they have to spend many days in hospitals or confined to places where they can be continuously monitored. It gets depressing! That’s why it is good to find interactive and fun activities to do with them as a family.
According to a study by the Zuckerman Institute (Columbia University) published on September 17, 2018, engaging in activity is more beneficial than prolonged rest periods when it comes to recovering quickly from a brain injury. Activity also helps to alleviate depression and stress. If your child is convalescing from brain injury, here are a few simple family activities you can do with them.
1. Card games
Card games are fun to play with kids because they allow for interaction and multiple players. Therefore, as a family, you can happily engage in such a game with the recovering child.
Choose simple card games that are not too taxing on your child. These should be simple games that are engaging and push the brain to think just a little bit to find solutions. An ideal card game to try is Go Fish.
You also don’t have to play with the standard 52 deck cards. Other card games come with their own unique cards that are great for kids recovering from brain trauma. For example, you could try Face-Off for lots of fun and giggles.
2. Word games
Brain trauma can interfere with a child’s memory and ability to compose words and sentences. If your child is going through this kind of challenge, you can help by playing word games with them. They help jog the memory and give children confidence to pronounce and express themselves.
When picking word games, get the ones that are made for your kid’s age. If you are not sure which ones to get, talk to your child’s doctor or therapist to find out which are ideal for brain recovery and avoid picking anything that will aggravate your child’s condition.
3. Puzzles
Puzzles make you think, and that is good for the brain, especially during recovery. Puzzles are suitable for alleviating boredom or depression, great for a child who is convalescing and may be experiencing limited mobility. They can also be done by multiple people, which makes them a fun and engaging family activity.
If your child is recovering from a brain injury, spend some time each day together working on a puzzle. When you go shopping for puzzles, you will find they are classified according to age and complexity. You should start with simple puzzles and upgrade to more difficult ones as you go along. It’s a great way to challenge the brain, which is necessary for recovery.
4. Get musical
Listening to music and playing musical instruments is a perfect way to stimulate the brain, which helps in its recovery. Music alleviates boredom and lifts the spirit. Start by dancing to your child’s favorite music together as a family. You could also just sit and listen. It will help a lot to soothe any depression and stress as well as prompt the brain cells to recover faster.
Another option is to play musical instruments together, such as a piano or guitar. And if your child played a musical instrument before the brain injury, it’s a good idea to get them back on it and try to reactivate those skills.
5. Physical activity
If your child is not confined to bed as a result of their brain injury and is strong enough to engage in physical activity, you should do something physical each day. But make sure you choose activities that will not aggravate his or her condition, such as swimming or walking.
However, keep in mind that some activities may seem harmless but can trigger problems and hinder recovery. For example, photosensitivity or sensitivity to light is often an issue with brain injury. To avoid this, you may need to put up window film in your family car when driving outdoors to places where you plan to do physical activities.
For solutions and advice, consult your child’s doctor to help you choose the right physical activity and for helpful tips on how to protect your child from aggravating his or her brain trauma. Do it often, to stay on the right track.
Family activities are a great way to help your child heal from a brain injury. They are also a perfect way to alleviate the boredom and depression that often accompanies the long healing process associated with brain trauma.
If your child is recovering from a brain injury, why don’t you try the activities suggested above? They will likely make a significant difference in your child’s recovery and help you bond as a family.
Author Bio: Eric Tress is a Freelance writer who loves cars, playing basketball and business. He works closely with https://scorpionwindowfilm.com and https://scorpioncoatings.com/ as a content specialist helping them build their online presence through friendly, engaging and shareable web content. When not hunched over his computer thinking loudly, you can find him playing pop music with his band, reading horror novels or travelling.
The opinions and views expressed in this guest blog do not necessarily reflect those of www.rtor.org or its sponsor, Laurel House, Inc. The author and www.rtor.org have no affiliations with any products or services mentioned in this article or linked to herein.
Thank you for sharing this great resource I have a lot of students with TBI at school