If you have ever had a little too much to drink, you definitely know what a hangover is and how tough it is to cure one. Alcohol hangover leaves most people feeling nauseated, sluggish, and dizzy. A night of drinking can, indeed, make you feel awful the next day. Alcohol aside, did you know that a period of extreme emotional overload can have the same hangover effect as alcohol? Well, the emotional hangover is a real thing.
An emotional hangover is, in most cases, precipitated by prolonged stressful periods or a traumatic event. The trauma could be as a result of the death of a loved one, a breakup with a partner or friend, loss of employment, being involved in an accident, or receiving bad news from the doctor. Some people will even get this hangover effect from mild altercations, such as an argument with a loved one or a difficult day at work. For introverts, an emotional hangover can stem from a long day of forced socializing.
If you are deep in emotional upheaval right now, this article is for you. We will explain eight workable strategies for recovering from an emotional hangover.
1. Eat well
Some foods, such as coffee, candy, and chocolate, are known to trigger anxiety and exacerbate emotional hangovers. Eat as many leafy greens and fruits as you can afford as those will improve your physical health and, by extension, mental health. Many people make the mistake of drinking their problems away with the hope that booze would help them relax, but then they only end up in a deeper emotional hole. The last thing you want when struggling with an emotional hangover is to mess with your brain chemicals. Your vulnerable mind needs lots of healthy foods so it can recover from a stressful period.
2. Seek emotional support
In most cases, negative energy develops from toxic social interactions. Maybe your parents hate you for no reason, maybe you deal with racism every day in your line of work, or maybe your boss is a sexist. If not addressed early enough, this negativity can easily precipitate emotional hangover. It is advisable to talk with a trusted friend or therapist instead of holding too much negativity in your chest. Life coach training can also help you get out of the loop of exhausting negativity and thought of error and throw you back into the loop of positivity. Taking this course or seeking help from a life coach will help you break your endless cycle of depression and emotional hangover.
3. Read and meditate
Meditation takes you outside of your mind so that you don’t keep replaying the traumatizing occurrences of the past. It helps you focus on your breathing and enjoy the peace and tranquility around you. Reading motivational material also helps to clear your mind.
4. Drink lots of water
Grief and anger can be draining. You lose lots of sweat and tears, trying to control all the difficult emotions that cloud your life. You need to rehydrate by drinking lots of water.
5. Rest
Do absolutely nothing when experiencing an emotional hangover, particularly when the hangover comes from a physically-draining traumatic event. Maybe you worked too hard on a project at work, and then your boss took all the credit for it. A nap might help.
6. Exercise
Physical activity has tons of mental health benefits, some of them being reducing anxiety and depression. Doing yoga, dancing, biking, or taking a walk can help boost your mood.
7. Be around the people you love
Maybe you messed up, but feeling guilty about it doesn’t help much. Go visit a friend or a family member. Anyone who will be supportive and not judgmental is fine. Ask them for a new perspective and advice and spend quality time with them. Being around the people you love is therapeutic.
8. Explore nature
Hug a tree. Feel the ground with your bare feet. Dance in the rain. Rejoice in the flowers. Tend to your indoor garden. Go for a hike. Hold a rock in your hand. Immerse yourself into the purity of nature. Breathe in the fresh air. Being around nature is an unbeatable remedy for emotional hangovers.
It is impossible to avoid stressful events and emotional hangovers unless you can avoid life altogether. These eight tips will help you know what is happening to your life and how to cope with it when suffering from an emotional hangover.
About the Author: Rilind Elezaj is a devoted self-growth specialist who trained at Animas Coaching. He helps people make choices that feel genuinely right for them. When he is not helping others, you can find him exploring the deepness of nature.
The opinions and views expressed in this guest blog do not necessarily reflect those of www.rtor.org or its sponsor, Laurel House, Inc. The author and www.rtor.org have no affiliations with any products or services mentioned in this article or linked to herein.
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