I glanced down at the speedometer and realized that I was driving at 80 mph – way faster than usual. After slowing to a more reasonable speed, the engine still revving absurdly, I felt my heart thumping fast. I tried calming myself, but I just couldn’t. A phone call from my boss demanding me to be at the office within a jiffy spurred this reaction.
Am I being fired? Is it the new downsizing policy? What did I do wrong on my last project? I had all these thoughts running in my mind all through the way.
Meet the typical “me.”
I start sweating over the least important news. Call me impulsive, anxious, and insecure. I can completely relate when people express how depression doesn’t allow them to eat, sleep, or behave like ordinary individuals.
But it feels somehow encouraging that many others are sharing the same troubles as me. According to NIMH, nearly one in five U.S. adults live with a mental illness. Figures like this give a ray of light to the sufferers. They start looking for advice to contain their issues and lead a better life.
Fortunately, I came across a bunch of fantastic everyday solutions to deal with straining mental issues. Grab your energy drinks and notepads before you scan this blog, as you might be making some pretty firm resolves by the end!
1. Devise a Self-Care Morning Routine
A robust morning routine is the backbone of a peaceful day. Cementing some morning habits can make it easier to prioritize tasks and enhance your productivity.
Jessica Dimas, a contributing writer at Champneys, says, “A morning self-care routine should be something you look forward to rather than something you feel you have to do.”
Remember that creating a morning routine is not focused on checking off more boxes than everyone else. Instead, it is about enabling yourself to jumpstart your day with confidence, optimism, and peace. Ideally, you should:
- Wake up early in the morning after completing 7-8 hours of sleep
- Drink plenty of water
- Get moving – exercise, walk, yoga, etc.
- Indulge in something that makes you happy – a book, newspaper, chat with friends or family
- Breakfast for optimum brain function
The concept of a lively morning routine may vary. Pick something which makes you content. For example, interview statistics from the book My Morning Routine found that 63% of people meditate or do yoga, while 79% prefer to exercise. It is all about your comfort!
2. Walk Tall
All that weight of the world on our shoulders can run us down. We fret over the smallest of things and fail to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Gradually, we hunch over physically and metaphorically. It is imperative to work on your posture as it creates an impact on how we perceive ourselves.
According to a finding by Time, if you actively try to walk tall with your head held high, you are more likely to experience good moods. But if you walk with slouched shoulders, you are more likely to reflect on negative rather than positive things in your life.
As for the metaphoric hunching, unplugging for a while can do wonders. Switch off your tech, put away your phones, and go back to the basics. A good book in a comfy rocking chair with a glass of your favorite drink can show you there is more to life than social media.
Technology consultant Tomi Ahonen analyzed a study commissioned by Nokia. He stated that users check their smartphones an average of 150 times during a waking period of 16 hours. It is one of the reasons why people have become more fidgety and stressed than ever.
So try disconnecting once in a while. You will be amazed at how refreshed you will feel after you unplug and unwind. It might motivate you to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
3. Eat High-Quality, Nutrient-Rich Foods
Focus on eating nutrient-rich foods and avoid processed junk food or refined sugars. This includes soda and all carbohydrates. The chemicals in them impact the production of mind-stabilizing neurotransmitters. Many of these foods have been linked to anxiety and depression.
Multiple studies analyzed by the National Center of Biotechnology Information have found a correlation between a diet high in refined sugars and impaired brain function. Studying content on mental health platforms like dementia talk might help you gain further insights into nutritional psychiatry.
Some of the best food recommendations include lots of fruits and veggies, high-quality grass-fed meats, especially organ meats. These foods contain a multitude of vitamins, iron, zinc, selenium, copper, etc.
Along with these, it is particularly important to consume protein in your diet with healthy fats. Neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin are made of amino acids. The fat keeps your gall bladder working and reduces prostaglandin inflammation. Chronic inflammation can lead to mental health problems.
4. Make One Joyful Commitment A Day
Joyful commitments can help us to snap out of anxiety and frustration. It gives you something to look forward to during your day while everything around you is mentally and emotionally taxing.
However, it may have a different meaning for every person. For instance, I would love to have a bag of butter popcorn with hot chocolate while I watch my favorite TV show for the 456th time!
You may be productive professionally, but still be in mental turmoil. Relaxing for a couple of hours empowers feelings of gratitude for things that are already in your life. After all, we are lucky to be alive!
Improve your mental health by making joyful commitments a part of your daily routines.
Parting Notes
Issues related to mental health can affect different people in different ways. If you begin to notice a change in your happiness and relationships, there is always a way to seek support. Try infusing healthy habits in your daily life. But if this doesn’t work out, feel free to seek professional assistance.
It’s about time we let go of the stigma attached to mental health counseling.
About Ashley Rosa: Ashley Rosa is a freelance writer and blogger. Writing is her passion, and she loves to write articles related to the latest trends in technology and sometimes on health-tech as well. She is crazy about chocolates. You can find her on Twitter: @ashrosa2.
Image by www.rawpixel.com
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