You didn’t plan to owe money. You’re financially aware of your income. However, life happens sometimes, and now you’re faced with more bills than you anticipated. Maybe your car broke down, leaving you with more prominent credit card payments. You had to take out student loans to receive a higher education only to find out you will have a hard time paying them back with your entry-level salary. This is a heavy mental burden to carry at what should be the most exciting time in one’s life.
Whatever the reason, debt isn’t always a person’s fault. Sometimes, it happens to even the most responsible of people. Debt’s emotional and physical tolls might do more than lead to piled-up notices; they could affect your health. The following are four ways you may feel impacted and tips for handling those feelings.
1. Stress from Debt May Increase Anxiety
This constant focus and worry may elevate your stress levels. You may find yourself thinking about it constantly, with the thought of finding a solution nagging at your brain. Too much stress on the body does impact you physically and mentally. You may see spikes in your heartbeat, blood pressure changes, and a reduction in hormone production, which regulates your feelings. Thus, you don’t relax well and live in a perpetual state of anxiety.
Work on breathing techniques and learn to focus on positive things. In addition, write out the debt sources that bother you the most. Then, find ways to break the amount into reasonable and smaller payments. Use financial advisors and an online down payment calculator, for instance, to see if you can modify your mortgage or car debt.
2. Fear of Debt May Impact Sleep
Excessive worry and tension make it harder to fall asleep at night. Some people may even close their eyes, but their slumber becomes restless. Too many thoughts whirl around inside the head. Are you going to be okay? How can you reduce your bills? The fear of losing your valuables and facing embarrassment keeps you from resting well.
A article emphasizes the emotional toll money problems have on sleep. In their research, they noted that a trend exists. People with better financial stability enjoy better slumber at night. Your mind needs good quality sleep to work well the next day. When that doesn’t happen, your brain may not function properly, feeling foggy and unable to focus. In addition, you may experience mood changes, especially more bouts of irritability.
Take time to prioritize your sleep. Relax before you head to bed. Try reading a good book or completing yoga. Put the electronics and bills away. Turn down the temperature, and shut off the lights.
3. Long-Term Debt May Lead to Depression
Sometimes it may seem like there’s no progress in your life. When faced with significant payments for years, you may feel constrained and buried. This mentality eventually sets in, instilling a lack of hope. How can you get ahead if you’re always behind?
Many people under financial strain slip into depression and suffer additional health conditions. As a result, you may pull back from social activities and experience physical and mental symptoms that keep you from enjoying life. The website offers several measures to ease these mental concerns. Speak with experts about reducing your debt, and learn about steps to alleviate the tension and worry. Furthermore, consistently monitor your budget, removing unnecessary items. Finally, try to pick up a side job. Use the extra cash each month to pay off a bill.
Final Thoughts
Mounting debt is a serious concern for your financial future and mental health. The US government is aware that debt, especially student loan debt, is a rising problem that many young people need relief from. There could potentially be student loan debt relief coming in the future. In the meantime, try coping tactics and strive to reduce your overhead costs, allowing you to pay off your burden over time. Take care of yourself and speak with professionals about how you’re feeling.
About the Author: Carol Evenson is a loving mother of three, an aspiring writer, and a social activist. She enjoys educating and learning and loves sharing her knowledge with her family and friends.
May Is Mental Health Month 2022
“Back to Basics”
May is Mental Health Month, a time to spread public awareness and education about mental health disorders and reflect on the impact of mental illness on individuals and their families.
The theme of this year’s Mental Health Month is “Back to Basics.” The goal this May is to provide foundational knowledge about mental health and mental health conditions and spread information about what people can do if their mental health is a cause for concern.
It is also a time to recognize and commit to changing the racial and economic inequities in our health care system, particularly with respect to mental health. and Laurel House are committed to the advancement of racial equity and social justice, and to making mental health services accessible to all.
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