If you have a mental health condition such as anxiety, depression, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), you can still have a satisfying and lucrative career even as you manage your condition.
It’s an outdated practice to measure success at work as a fifty-fifty split between salary and job title. There is so much more to maintaining a healthy mindset.
Striving to improve your financial situation is well and good, but you can’t afford to neglect your physical health, personal interests, relationships, and especially your mental health.
Let’s hone in on the mental health component.
Knowing When Enough Is Enough
Everyone is different in what affects them mentally and emotionally. By the same token, not all work environments are created equal, and there are bad-apple companies that will drain you mentally and emotionally.
If you feel stalled out at your job or unmotivated to go in each day, your attitude could be telling you more than you might realize.
A job is a job, and not every day we work will be a walk in the park, but you’re allowed to enjoy what you do. Moreover, you should enjoy what you do most of your time there.
If you’re unhappy at your job, ask yourself why that is. What’s happening at work that is causing you stress, anxiety, or sadness? Then, ask yourself how often you’re unhappy at your job. Is it one day a month? One day a week? Three days a week?
If the answer is more than once a week, you might benefit from thinking about a shift in your career that could bring you more consistent contentment.
It’s important to identify what external factors may be draining you when you’re at work to prevent it from happening. If workplace conditions are detrimental to your mental health, you might consider leaving to try something new.
The last thing you want is to burn out from your job and lose your motivation to keep pushing.
What To Do About It
You’re probably wondering how to curb dissatisfaction and burnout at your job. You might also wonder if there are any other alternatives.
There are various methods you can employ to cope with the most common mental health conditions in the marketplace.
If you’ve been diagnosed with a specific mental health disorder, you might consider disclosing it to your supervisor or coworkers. There can be a slew of relief and benefits that come with being open about your challenges.
If you have a diagnosed mental health condition, you’re protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and your employer must work with you to find solutions.
Considering Your Options
Many of us want to advance instead of stagnating in a single position. If you’d like to be considered for a promotion, you can discuss your goals with your manager, consider continuing your education, and look for ways to take on more responsibility. But know that there are other options you can pursue, especially if advancement does not look likely and you feel your job is exacerbating your condition.
By owning your own business or doing contract work, you can avoid many of the workplace’s common social stresses and anxieties. Luckily, there are other ways for individuals to advance their careers.
However, be cautious that you don’t replace the mental anguish you were experiencing at your previous job with an equal amount of mental distress in your own business. Of course, owning your own business can be stressful. Self-employment can bring its own headaches, but maybe they are the kind of problems that will be easier for you to deal with.
Consider the ins and outs of business ownership and try to see yourself in that role. If you think it will cause equal or more mental strain on you, it probably isn’t a good alternative for you.
There may be other options besides owning your own business that could work for you, such as freelancing or franchising a business with an established brand.
Wrapping Up
Always remember to first take care of your immediate mental health needs. Your job situation and income are necessary aspects of your life, but they’re certainly not the only parts that matter.
Take the steps necessary to find a psychiatrist or doctor you can trust who can provide the proper treatment to aid you in your mental health journey if that’s an approach you’re comfortable taking.
No single job is worth your mental well-being and peace of mind. So be strong and equip yourself with the right tools and solutions to grow your professional career in a healthy matter.
About the Author: Katie Brenneman is a passionate writer specializing in lifestyle, mental health, education, and fitness-related content. When she isn’t writing, you can find her with her nose buried in a book or hiking with her dog, Charlie. To connect with Katie, you can follow her on Twitter, @KatieBWrites93.
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash
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