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Overcoming Trauma and Living with Depression: A Journey of Healing

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For years, I lived in the shadow of abusive relationships even after they ended. Most of the time, I was a prisoner of my thoughts and emotions. The scars were not visible, and they ran deep. For a long time, I felt I would never escape the emotional and mental pain of it all. Along with the trauma of emotional and physical abuse, I struggled with depression. It was as if there was a dark cloud over me every day. Yet, despite the struggle there has been hope. I have learned how to keep moving forward to find healing and mental health recovery.

I want to share my journey with you in hopes that it can help others who may be on a similar path.

The Power of Staying Present

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned on my journey toward mental health recovery is the importance of staying present. During the times that I have felt trapped in the emotional turmoil caused by trauma and depression, it was easy to feel overwhelmed by the past or fear the future. Before I engaged in the healing process, there were times when the memories of abuse could be all-consuming, and the hopelessness of depression made it harder to see beyond the present moment. But over time and with a lot of intention, I’ve come to understand that the key to overcoming these feelings is focusing on the present.

This strategy allows me to stay present and separate myself from the constant flood of negative thoughts. It helps me break the cycle of rumination that often accompanies trauma and depression. I can recognize when I’m drifting into a negative space and gently pull myself back. I’ve learned that my thoughts don’t have to control me, and I don’t need to be defined by my past. Staying present gives me a sense of control and, in turn, a sense of peace.

In addition to its emotional benefits, staying in the moment helps me with decision-making. It prevents me from falling into the familiar pattern of catastrophizing situations and making decisions based on fear or past experiences. Instead, I can take a more balanced approach that allows for healthier responses and choices.

Focusing on Small Goals and Steps

Another crucial aspect of my recovery has been focusing on small, manageable goals. After years of feeling helpless and overwhelmed, it can be hard to see the bigger picture of healing when faced with challenges. The thought of fully recovering from trauma and depression seemed impossible. For example, I began by setting tiny goals like daily exercise, making a meal, or simply going for a short walk. These may seem like small tasks to others, but when you’re living with depression and the weight of trauma, these simple actions feel taxing and tedious.

Over time, I gradually regained my confidence and sense of accomplishment. This made it easier to set bigger goals, like reconnecting with being a writer and starting a mental health blog. Although the progress was slow, it was consistent and steady. I began to see that each small milestone built upon the next.

I have learned the importance of being patient and compassionate with myself. Instead of being hard on myself for not being “more normal” or “more healed,” I am learning to celebrate the small victories and appreciate the slow pace. In the process, I have also developed more resilience and started rebuilding my self-esteem and self-worth. One way of rebuilding myself is through self-care practices.

Self-Care Practices: Essential Tools for Managing Depression

I’ve learned that self-care practices are vital in managing depression and maintaining mental well-being. Depression is not something that can be fixed overnight, but over time, I’ve discovered tools that help me stay grounded and prevent the heaviness from becoming all-consuming.

Journaling has been beneficial as a healing practice for me. When I write down my thoughts, I can process my emotions safely and privately. It also provides an outlet for self-reflection and growth. Writing, in general, helps me make sense of my feelings, especially when it is difficult to articulate them verbally. On tough days, I journal about one thing I’m grateful for, even if it’s something as small as a warm cup of coffee or safety and freedom from abusive relationships. Practicing gratitude allows me to shift my focus from the darkness of thoughts and feelings associated with depression into moments of hope, peace, and gratitude.

Journaling has also allowed me to track my progress. When I feel like I’m not making any headway, I can look back and see how far I’ve come. It’s a reminder that healing is a process, and even small steps forward are worth celebrating.

Exercise is another self-care tool that has significantly impacted my life. Physical activities, such as taking a short walk around the block, give me a sense of accomplishment and control over my body. This is significant because of the trauma I experienced. It is also a healthy diversion from negative thought patterns, allowing me to clear my mind and reduce the feelings of anxiety.

I also found that exercise helped me break through the fatigue that depression often brings. Even though it is challenging to get going on some days, I remind myself of the importance of always moving forward, no matter how small the steps.

Mindful Breaks throughout the day have also been helpful. Depression often causes me to feel trapped in my thoughts and negative self-talk. I’ve realized the benefits of taking short breaks to practice mindfulness. For example, deep breathing, stepping outside for some fresh air, or feeling the sun’s warmth helps me re-center. Taking a break from the constant overthinking allows me to refocus on the present moment, further supporting my mental health.

Taking mindful breaks has also been a great way to manage my stress. When life feels overwhelming, these brief pauses allow me to refocus and recharge, preventing burnout. Mindfulness helps me manage my depression and maintain my well-being.

Why This Matters for Mental Health Recovery

When dealing with trauma and depression, it’s easy to feel that recovery is a distant, unattainable goal. But by staying present, concentrating on taking small steps, and incorporating consistent self-care practices into my routine, I’ve learned that healing is a process and not always linear. Every day doesn’t have to be perfect, and not every goal needs to be monumental. What matters the most is that you continue showing up for yourself, no matter how slow progress seems.

For families and individuals supporting loved ones through mental health challenges, it’s important to remember that recovery takes time. Continue to offer your support through encouragement, patience, and understanding. Small gestures and kind words can go a long way in helping someone navigate their journey. No one should feel alone in this process, and it’s important to celebrate even the smallest victories along the way.

Healing and mental health recovery are possible, and I am proof. Though I still face challenges, I have learned that recovery is about moving forward, one step at a time.

If you or someone you know experiences mental health issues, it is important to seek help from a qualified professional. Our Resource Specialists can help you find expert mental health resources and support in your community. Contact us now for more information on this free service.

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About the Author: Caralyn Dreyer is a freelance writer, mental health blogger, and writing tutor. She holds a master’s degree in forensic psychology and a bachelor’s in criminal justice. Additionally, she is a survivor of domestic violence and sexual assault. She is passionate about advocating for mental health awareness with her blog Darkness to Dialogue: Living Well with Mental Illness https://caralyndreyer.blogspot.com/

Photo by Jian Xhin on Unsplash

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