Our Latest Blogs

Your Essential Guide to Identifying Depression in a Friend and What to Do About a Diagnosis

Two women talking over coffee

Anyone can be impacted by depression, a serious mental health condition that can even affect friends and family. Early detection of the symptoms and understanding how to assist can profoundly impact someone’s life. This guide offers crucial details on how to spot depression in a friend and what to do in the event of a […]

Discovering the Best Therapy for Depression: Effective Treatments and Solutions

pile of rocks on placid water

The best therapy for depression will include a holistic approach tailored to each individual’s needs, combining various modalities to address the multifaceted nature of the condition. Primarily, evidence-based psychotherapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Interpersonal Therapy (IPT), and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) are widely regarded as effective treatments. These therapies help individuals identify and […]

Navigating the Benefits of Ketamine Treatment for Depression

water lily blossom

Depression is a common mental health condition that affects approximately 280 million people around the world. The biggest challenge when it comes to combating depression is that traditional treatments are not always effective. However, there is a new treatment option that offers hope for those living with depression called ketamine treatment. But what is ketamine, […]

Common Myths and Misconceptions about Depression

concerned woman checking phone

Depression is one of the most common mental health disorders, though much about it is misunderstood. There are many myths and misconceptions that contribute to the stigma of depression and make it harder for people to open up about it. This article will examine some common myths and misconceptions about depression and set the record […]

Post-Divorce Depression: Causes, Risks, and Treatment

sad woman with crossed arms.

When a marriage falls apart, it can significantly impact a person’s life. One common health hazard that often accompanies divorce is depression. Feeling sad or down for a brief time after divorce is a normal reaction to the breakup of a marriage. However, an increasing number of divorced people stay in a depressive state for […]

Unseen Heroes: The Vital Roles of Loved Ones in Depression Support

friends holding hands

Today, we’re diving into a topic close to many hearts: the roles of loved ones in depression support. It’s a journey filled with empathy, understanding, and a whole lot of love. Understanding Depression: It’s More than Just Sadness Depression is like a stubborn fog that refuses to lift, making the world dull and lifeless. It’s […]

Maternal Depression in Second Pregnancies: The Untold Story

toddler with newborn sibling

Pregnancy is one of the most life-changing events a woman can experience. A number of physiological and psychological changes occur as the body prepares to nurture and grow new life. However, people often hype the first-time pregnancy experience, while the second and subsequent ones are seen as less important. The second pregnancy is treated more […]

Which Depression Treatment Is Best for You?

thoughtful man on wall

All over the world, depression, a complicated mental health problem, affects millions of individuals. Depression can have a significant adverse impact on daily life, interpersonal relations, and general well-being. Fortunately, there are various ways to manage it, ranging from therapy and medication to lifestyle changes and alternative therapies. In this blog, we will explore different […]

Postpartum Depression: Causes, Risks, and Treatment

mother and newborn

Becoming a parent is one of life’s most exciting moments. But this event can also trigger fear, anxiety, or even depression. New moms who experience postpartum depression need to receive the right treatment to manage their symptoms and bond with their babies. Below, we’ll discuss the common causes of postpartum depression, its risks, and common […]

The Science of Sleep: Understanding Your Circadian Rhythm and Tips to Boost Restfulness

man sleeping in bed

We all know how important sleep is for our health and well-being, but have you ever wondered why we need it and how our bodies regulate it? The answer lies in our circadian rhythm – our body’s natural 24-hour cycle that regulates our sleep-wake cycle, hormones, and metabolism. Our circadian rhythm is controlled by an […]

The Biological Reasons Why Alcohol Increases Depression

man drinking alcohol.

Most of us know how great alcohol can make us feel—and how terrible. However, the adverse effects of drinking can extend well beyond a Sunday-morning hangover. For some people, regular alcohol use can also contribute to depression, anxiety, or a generally low mood. These effects won’t necessarily be severe for a casual social drinker, but […]

How to Endure a Job Loss without Depression: 7 Practical Tips for Coping

pensive man on couch

Job loss can be one of the most challenging experiences to endure. It doesn’t matter whether it’s due to a company downsizing, economic downturn, or personal reasons. Losing your job can leave you feeling lost and vulnerable. However, it’s normal to feel a range of emotions during this time, including anxiety, fear, anger, and sadness. […]

How Depression Affects Your Energy Levels

tired man on couch

Depression is a serious mental health disorder that affects masses of people around the world. While it is typically associated with feelings of sadness, apathy, and low motivation, it can also negatively impact energy levels. Understanding how depression affects liveliness and vigor can give you a fuller understanding of this condition and its impact on […]

The Warning Signs of Depression and Anxiety in College Students

exhausted college student

College can be a stressful and overwhelming time. Students with depression or an anxiety disorder may struggle to function and pass their classes. Students dealing with these issues for the first time may not even recognize they have a problem. Without help, they may have serious trouble coping in this new environment. Knowing the  warning […]

The Importance of Screening for Anxiety and Depression

In September of 2022, the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) released draft recommendations stating that all adults under age 65 should be screened for anxiety and depressive conditions. The Task Force, an independent voluntary panel of national experts in disease prevention and evidence-based medicine, cites that Americans are reporting symptoms of mental health […]

How to Help Kids Dealing with Depression and Suicidal Thoughts

sad teen at school

Depression is difficult for anyone, but perhaps even more so for children who lack the ability to seek solutions for themselves. As a parent, it is your difficult but crucial responsibility to help see them through. Everybody’s experience with depression is unique to them. There are many factors that can cause clinical depression in kids […]

How Melatonin Can Help You Sleep Better

Melatonin is a hormone produced in the pineal gland, a pea-sized gland close to the center of your cerebral cortex. It assists your body in determining when it’s time to rest and when it’s time to wake. The body normally produces more melatonin during the night, and it is common for levels to increase after […]

What is Ketamine: How It Works and Why It Can Treat Severe Depression?

close up of woman’s face

Ketamine is both a valuable anesthetic and a potentially harmful street drug when misused, but did you know that ketamine is a proven treatment for depression, too? A Schedule III drug, ketamine, can cause you to feel detached or dissociated from the world around you. Depending on the dose and manner in which you take […]

Depression versus Sadness: How to Recognize and Cope with Each

As human beings, we all feel sad at times. Sadness is a natural emotion that everyone experiences. It occurs at different levels, and people often confuse extreme sadness with depression. Here is a detailed guide to help you know the difference between sadness and depression, so you can treat your depression or cope with sadness […]

Tips for Working with Bipolar Depression

happy woman walking

Bipolar depression can be a hard thing to deal with. Bipolar depression occurs after a manic or hypomanic phase of bipolar disorder. It doesn’t always happen after a manic phase. Manic phases can happen on their own, as can bipolar depression. The purpose of this article is to offer tips on how to manage bipolar […]

Is Pulse PEMF Therapy Effective against Anxiety and Depression?

happy woman with red hat

Are you or your loved ones struggling with anxiety or depression? Have you tried conventional treatment methods that aren’t helping? It’s high time to consider pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy to relieve depression and anxiety symptoms. Before continuing with the effect of PEMF therapy on anxiety and depression, let’s see how the statistical reports on […]

The Benefits and Methods of CBT-I for Better Sleep

woman in bed with alarm clock.

Studies show that as much as 60% of the world’s population suffers from some form of insomnia. Insomnia can present itself in many ways, from trouble falling asleep to waking frequently. Symptoms that last for more than three months qualify as chronic insomnia, whereas short bouts of sleep disturbances are referred to as acute insomnia. […]

Baby Blues or Postpartum Depression? What No One Tells You about Your Mental Health after Giving Birth

new mother with newborn

Pregnancy is a beautiful process, but it comes with its hardships and problems. Many people think that giving birth puts an end to the struggles, and it all becomes sunshine and roses afterward. However, it is followed by the postpartum period, which sometimes can be even more difficult than pregnancy itself. According to World Health […]

Night Owls May Have a Higher Risk of Depression: Why It Pays to Wake Up Early

close up owl face

Do you wake up naturally in the morning, or do you need several alarms before you manage to crack open your eyes and drag yourself back into a conscious being? Well, according to the latest research, night owls may be at a mood disadvantage. Waking up naturally means your body is in tune with your […]

Ways to Manage Depression and Anxiety and Other Mental Health Problems

Rubik’s Cube close-up

30-Second Summary There are 6 healthy choices you can make to change your life. They are the following: Working out:Releases hormones for cell growth and supplies more oxygen to the brain. Watch your food:Replace unhealthy snacks with a balanced diet of vitamins, proteins, minerals, and plenty of water. Stressbuster: Talk about your thoughts and emotions […]

Diabetes and Depression after the COVID-19 Pandemic

young woman with dog at window.

When a doctor tells you that you have a disease with no cure, it changes your world. Even if the disease is one that you have heard of and that is controllable, the fact that this will be part of your life forever is shocking. Diabetes Diabetes is a chronic illness. The human body uses […]

How Mindfulness Helps in Fighting Depression

stacked rocks on beach

Stress, pressure, and other uncontrolled outside factors may cause or contribute to depression. There are different reasons why people may fall into this condition. But the good news is that you can always do something to lessen the risk of being depressed. There are several practices, including mindfulness, that can help people get through their […]

Early Signs and Symptoms of Depression in Women

woman lying on her side

According to studies, women are more vulnerable to depression than men, especially young women ages 14-25. However, this number decreases as women grow older. Moreso than men, women experience different types of depression, which we will discuss later. Knowing the early signs and symptoms of depression will give you a chance to help women in […]

Clinical Depression: Symptoms and Latest Treatments Available

young man in hoodie

What is Clinical Depression? When you hear people use the term clinical depression, they are referring to what is formally known as major depressive disorder (MDD). Depression is a mood disorder that can hamper your daily life. At its worst, it can lead to suicide, which is the second leading cause of death in teens […]

The Most Common Causes of Depression in Older Adults

older Latino man

It is alarming to see when older loved ones lose interest in activities that they usually enjoy. They may dread waking up in the morning because they find it challenging to get through an entire day. Time seems to crawl at a snail’s pace, making them feel anxious and sad. Unfortunately, depression is prevalent in […]

The Complex Relationship between Sleep and Anxiety

young woman with insomnia

One-third of our lives are spent sleeping, but over time, sleep has become unappreciated. In the world’s current pace, everybody is consumed in using their 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Sleep has become such an interference in our daily activities that we often forget its benefits and the implications of its loss. […]

Childhood Sleep Disorders vs. ADHD: The Risk of Misdiagnosis

sleeping boy

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a serious condition that affects around 6.1 million children between the ages of 2 and 17 years old in the United States alone. This translates to 9.4% of children in that age group, highlighting how prevalent the chronic condition has become.

But what’s worrying an increasing number of parents is that children might be misdiagnosed with ADHD when the real problem could be a sleep disorder. Given ADHD’s impact on mental and social functioning and the treatments involved, that’s very understandable.

The Link Between Insomnia and Depression

man laying in bed

Nothing is more frustrating than tossing and turning all night when you should be sleeping. Lying there, anticipating the alarm going off at 6:00 am as the hours tick by, can cause deep distress. You cringe when considering the coming day, knowing that you will be functioning on fumes. Insomnia is one of the most […]

The Battle Between Two Depressions: When Both Parents Struggle with Mental Health

new parents with baby

Here are three things I know for sure: Dealing with Postpartum Depression (PPD) is hard. Watching your partner struggle with clinical depression is hard. Doing both at the same time feels unbearable. Dealing with PPD is Hard I gave birth to my first child on January 16th, 2020. I’m not quite sure I can accurately […]

I Have Anxiety and Depression. This Is How the Pandemic Has Affected Me.

girl in medical face mask

The World Health Organization recognizes that mental health disorders are the leading cause of illness and disability worldwide. That’s 450 million people suffering from a mental health disorder today. That’s a lot of people!  With the Covid-19 pandemic at its peak, the number of diagnosed mental health disorders worldwide is rising daily, as observed by […]

How I Healed: My Traumatic Brain Injury and Journey Back from Depression

young woman hiking

In 2015, I fell off of a cliff. I faced a long recovery from orthopedic and internal injuries, but thankfully, I made it out alive. From gaining strength and mobility to walk again to learning to live with a traumatic brain injury, each step of my healing journey presented a new set of challenges. What […]

Helpful Tips To Start Your Journey To Recovery From Depression

Coping with depression is a difficult task for many. It drains you of your energy and hope, leaving you feeling numb, and even the tasks that you once enjoyed doing seem meaningless. At GNC Dubai (German Neuroscience Center), a leading neurology hospital in Dubai, we make sure to provide depression support groups to help those […]

Depression and Its Effect on Your Life

woman in bed

Clinical depression is also called a major depressive mood disorder. It is a serious and common medical condition, which negatively affects the way you feel, act, and think. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 8.1 percent of Americans aged 20 and over experienced depression in a given two-week period. Different people experience […]

How to Get Motivated to Exercise When You Have Depression

exercise buddies

When the going gets tough, simple procedures like getting dressed in the morning or taking a shower can represent a real burden, let alone going for a morning jog. When you have depression or when you feel stressed and agitated due to the daily grind and workload, it can feel utterly impossible to get your […]

The Relationship Between Seasonal Affective Disorder and Depression

Seasonal Affective Disorder

The end of daylight savings time means the days get shorter and it gets dark earlier. This can make anyone feel a little depressed, but for some people, those feelings take on a different level and lead to seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and depression. Many people may just disregard their feelings, but doing so can […]

How Mindfulness Meditation Can Help People With Depression

Mindfulness Meditation

Depression is one of the most prevalent health issues in the modern world. There have been people comparing the mental health crisis to a tsunami sweeping across the world. The depression causing so many people pain can be caused by many different outside factors. The stress of trying to succeed in a competitive business world, […]

Treating Depression While in Addiction Recovery

calm waters

Recovery from addiction is said to be simple, but not easy. I have no doubt that for many people this holds true. But for some, like myself, there is more than one illness of the mind to fight. Going through recovery with a dual diagnosis adds an extra layer to addiction recovery and can make […]

How Can Sleep Deprivation Affect Your Mental Health?

overtired young adult

Sleep research is steadily establishing itself as an important field, and scientists have been trying to unravel the mystery of sleep for quite some time now. It is believed that having enough sleep helps us to deal with adversity and demands in our busy lives. Sleep is, in many regards, a built-in biological source of […]

Struggling with Depression and the Natural Road to Recovery

healthy biking

Over the last few years, depression has become much more widespread. We’ve all heard it before, “mental health issues don’t discriminate,” and that quote couldn’t be more accurate. Depression impacts people in the suburbs and on farms, in inner cities and refugee camps, in boardrooms and in classrooms. It is estimated that over 300 million […]

Depression in College Students: The Warning Signs

depressed student

College is an exciting, eye-opening, fun-filled, chaotic and sometimes stressful time. College students not only work hard but often play hard too, and this lifestyle of burning the candle at both ends, combined with often not eating as well as they should, can lead to exhaustion and feelings of stress. In more severe cases, due […]

Teen Mental Health & Sleep: What’s the Connection?

Teen Mental Health

Sleep and mental health go hand in hand, especially when it comes to the mental and physical well-being of teenagers. Unfortunately, not enough teens across the country are getting the sleep they need. It’s recommended that teens get nine hours of restful sleep each night, but between 60% to 70% of teenagers in the United […]

How I Overcame My Deep Depression After I Got Hit By a Car on the Freeway

Overcoming Depression

“2:48 am” My body lay still as a doll as I dully gazed at the clock on my desk. My slow, sad, depressing music reverberated and echoed off the walls in my bedroom. I could not sleep. I did not want to get up, move, or feel anything at all. These long restless nights had […]

Fighting Depression Without Medication

Overcoming Depression Without Medication

Clinical depression is more than just having a bad day. Depression is a real illness that impedes a person’s daily life and normal functioning. It causes pain both for those affected and the people close to them. Depression is one condition that is often overlooked or ignored because of the stigma and connotations associated with […]

How Depression (and Other Mental Health Disorders) Harms Your Oral Health

oral health

Depression doesn’t only affect your mental health and personality but also causes very noticeable harm to your physical health. Constant stress, emotional struggle, sleep disturbances, and unhealthy lifestyle related to depression can negatively impact the immune system. This makes the body vulnerable to different kinds of diseases and infections. Consequences of Self-Harming Behaviors There are […]

Returning from Depression: A Passionately Committed Athlete’s Story

return from depression

Evan had just returned home from his final race of the season when I caught up with him. We decided to take a hike up to a ridge on the outskirts of his city. He was quick to smile, and you could see his eyes dance with animation when we discussed his recent activities. But […]

There is No Silver Bullet for Depression: Real World Tips for Coping

Coping with Depression

I have had a lifetime of experience with depression beginning when I was 16.  I have been treated for depression many times with both psychotherapy and drugs.  In 2002, I became a student of depression treatment because I was tired of cycling in and out of misery. I am an organizational psychologist and in the […]

How to Get Out of Stress and Depression after Divorce

meditation sunset

Divorces are devastating. They are a turning point in the lives of both the partners. Waking up one day without the one person who mattered to you the most, the one you loved more than anything a few days ago, and realizing that he or she won’t be ever coming back in your life can […]

Does Depression Lead to Alcohol and Drug Addiction?

empty beer bottle

When we are trying to understand the roots of alcohol and drug addiction, we often must investigate brain chemistry and the history of the individual. There are many risk factors that may lead to the overindulgence of alcohol and use of drugs to self-medicate or manage moods. It is common to see depression coincide with […]

What Causes Teen Depression and How to Manage It

depressed teen on dock

As a teenager, have you been irritable and moody lately? Are you in a bad mood or is it something else? While most teens bounce back from a bad mood, others will feel hopeless and miserable for weeks or longer. Teens who suffer from depression are at higher risk for self-injury and suicide. What causes […]

Depression, Anxiety, Mental Health and Chiropractic Care

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Anxiety

If you’re dealing with depression and/or anxiety, chiropractic care may help. Generally speaking, chiropractic care involves a mind-body approach that favors adjusting physical symptoms in order to improve mental ones. A chiropractor is well-equipped to take a holistic approach to your mental health, looking at all possible ways to make you feel better. New studies […]

Migraines and Mental Health: The Road Between Migraines and Anxiety & Depression Travels Both Ways

Migranes and Mental Health

There is a close relationship between migraines and the mental health issues of anxiety and depression. This relationship is expressed as comorbidity, and there is a definite increase in the development of anxiety and depression by migraineurs when compared to the general population. This article provides an overview of both mental health conditions and migraines, […]

How Exercise Helps Relieve Depression and Anxiety

Exercise for Depression and Anxiety

Most people are aware of the physical benefits of exercise. However, other than getting a rocking body, building muscles, increasing energy, and improving cardiovascular health, regular exercise improves mental health as well. Some of the mental health benefits of exercise include increased self-esteem and self-confidence, better sleep, improved cognitive function, relief of stress, increased relaxation, […]

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: An Effective Treatment for Depression

sunlight light in forest

Despite the prevalence of mental health symptoms and disorders in the United States, mental illness and its treatment still have a stigma attached to them.  Due to this stigma, people are willing to consider various possibilities for symptoms they are experiencing while overlooking the possibility of a mental health problem.  To further complicate the picture, […]

How to Get Out of Bed When Depression Is Keeping You Down

Do you wake up in the morning and, within moments of opening your eyes to a day full of opportunity, think “what’s the point?” You are not alone. This feeling of constant dejection, that complete inability to feel any sense of self-belief or confidence, is something that often leaves you feeling weak and timid. Such […]

How Bipolar Disorder Affects Your Sleep

Bipolar Disorder and Sleep

Alongside the extreme highs and lows that are part of having bipolar disorder, sleep issues also pop up. Unfortunately, these problems don’t make the disorder any easier to manage. In fact, they can complicate the illness and even trigger episodes in people who are, otherwise, following their doctor’s orders. Sleep and Mania One of the […]

How Depression May Be Harming Your Health

how depression can hurt your health

Depression is a silent killer when ignored. Many people suffering from depression never seek medical attention during their entire lives. They choose to absorb the burden of depression into their different body systems. This can lead to physical symptoms and various diseases at a later stage. This is a more serious issue than you might […]

Dealing With Post-Accident Depression

It is very common to feel helpless and anxious after an accident. These symptoms can speak to the development of post-traumatic depression. Depression occurs when one feels powerless over upsetting surges of negative emotions. While this involves different emotions for different people, most of those entering rehabilitation services while suffering from post-accident depression report a […]

Downward Dog Your Way out of Depression

The Benefits of Yoga on Mental Health Depression is a common disorder that affects people from every nationality, religion, and gender. Depression does not discriminate when it chooses its victims. According to the University of Southern California, as of 2016, mental health and well-being was among the top five public health concerns in the United […]

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS): A Major Depression Treatment That Doesn’t Rely on Medication

Just about everyone has experienced a chapter in his or her life when things just looked bleak.  An occasional bout with the blues is a normal aspect of the human condition and our physiological and psychological response to hitting a patch of difficult challenges.  For most people, the depression symptoms will resolve in a timely […]