Our Latest Blogs

What is Ketamine: How It Works and Why It Can Treat Severe Depression?

close up of woman’s face

Ketamine is both a valuable anesthetic and a potentially harmful street drug when misused, but did you know that ketamine is a proven treatment for depression, too? A Schedule III drug, ketamine, can cause you to feel detached or dissociated from the world around you. Depending on the dose and manner in which you take […]

Is Pulse PEMF Therapy Effective against Anxiety and Depression?

happy woman with red hat

Are you or your loved ones struggling with anxiety or depression? Have you tried conventional treatment methods that aren’t helping? It’s high time to consider pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy to relieve depression and anxiety symptoms. Before continuing with the effect of PEMF therapy on anxiety and depression, let’s see how the statistical reports on […]

Baby Blues or Postpartum Depression? What No One Tells You about Your Mental Health after Giving Birth

new mother with newborn

Pregnancy is a beautiful process, but it comes with its hardships and problems. Many people think that giving birth puts an end to the struggles, and it all becomes sunshine and roses afterward. However, it is followed by the postpartum period, which sometimes can be even more difficult than pregnancy itself. According to World Health […]

How Long Does it Take to Overcome Depression?

man thinking

Depression is a serious mental health condition that is characterized by feelings of sadness and hopelessness. If you’re going through depression, you might wonder how long it will last. While there is no average for how long it can take to overcome depression, it’s not uncommon for feelings of hopelessness to last several months. In […]

How Can Supplementing Your Medication Routine with TMS Finally Kick Your Depression?

depression hope

Major depressive disorder (MDD) affects millions of people globally. Meanwhile, managing MDD is sometimes difficult — even for those who use medication. How Is Medication Used to Treat Depression? Antidepressant medications are among the most common depression treatments. They are prescribed by doctors and help patients alleviate depression symptoms, such as: Anxiety Irritability Lack of concentration […]

Depression and Its Effect on Your Life

woman in bed

Clinical depression is also called a major depressive mood disorder. It is a serious and common medical condition, which negatively affects the way you feel, act, and think. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 8.1 percent of Americans aged 20 and over experienced depression in a given two-week period. Different people experience […]

Does Depression Lead to Alcohol and Drug Addiction?

empty beer bottle

When we are trying to understand the roots of alcohol and drug addiction, we often must investigate brain chemistry and the history of the individual. There are many risk factors that may lead to the overindulgence of alcohol and use of drugs to self-medicate or manage moods. It is common to see depression coincide with […]

Navigating the Benefits of Ketamine Treatment for Depression

water lily blossom

Depression is a common mental health condition that affects approximately 280 million people around the world. The biggest challenge when it comes to combating depression is that traditional treatments are not always effective. However, there is a new treatment option that offers hope for those living with depression called ketamine treatment. But what is ketamine, […]

The Role of Social Support in Perinatal Depression: Help for Pregnant Moms

stressed mother with baby

What is Perinatal Depression? Perinatal depression is a type of depression that can occur anytime during pregnancy and up to one year after delivery. Typical symptoms of depression are a change in mood, loss of interest in daily activities, feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness, and, in some cases, suicidal thoughts. Risk factors that contribute to […]

Post-Divorce Depression: Causes, Risks, and Treatment

sad woman with crossed arms.

When a marriage falls apart, it can significantly impact a person’s life. One common health hazard that often accompanies divorce is depression. Feeling sad or down for a brief time after divorce is a normal reaction to the breakup of a marriage. However, an increasing number of divorced people stay in a depressive state for […]

10,000 Friends, One Lonely Soul: The Impact of Social Media on Stress, Depression, and Anxiety

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Social media has helped us connect and communicate with thousands of people around the world. However, as our connections grow in number, an emptiness within our hearts emerges. Many people around the globe are experiencing a feeling of loneliness, depression, and stress despite having thousands of friends online. A recent study found that reducing social […]

Postpartum Depression: Causes, Risks, and Treatment

mother and newborn

Becoming a parent is one of life’s most exciting moments. But this event can also trigger fear, anxiety, or even depression. New moms who experience postpartum depression need to receive the right treatment to manage their symptoms and bond with their babies. Below, we’ll discuss the common causes of postpartum depression, its risks, and common […]

The Biological Reasons Why Alcohol Increases Depression

man drinking alcohol.

Most of us know how great alcohol can make us feel—and how terrible. However, the adverse effects of drinking can extend well beyond a Sunday-morning hangover. For some people, regular alcohol use can also contribute to depression, anxiety, or a generally low mood. These effects won’t necessarily be severe for a casual social drinker, but […]

How to Endure a Job Loss without Depression: 7 Practical Tips for Coping

pensive man on couch

Job loss can be one of the most challenging experiences to endure. It doesn’t matter whether it’s due to a company downsizing, economic downturn, or personal reasons. Losing your job can leave you feeling lost and vulnerable. However, it’s normal to feel a range of emotions during this time, including anxiety, fear, anger, and sadness. […]

The Difference between Bipolar Disorder and ADHD

Bipolar disorder and ADHD are the two brain conditions that can affect an individual of any age. ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is the most common childhood neurodevelopmental disorder. Both conditions affect many people, and some symptoms are even similar. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between the two conditions. Since bipolar disorder can […]

How Learning a New Language Can Improve Your Cognition for Better Mental Health

students at foreign language board.

You probably know that speaking at least one foreign language is already a good booster for your career. It helps you connect with more people and keeps you open to various job opportunities abroad. But did you know that learning a new language can help your mental health? There’s been some research proving that foreign […]

Clinical Depression: Symptoms and Latest Treatments Available

young man in hoodie

What is Clinical Depression? When you hear people use the term clinical depression, they are referring to what is formally known as major depressive disorder (MDD). Depression is a mood disorder that can hamper your daily life. At its worst, it can lead to suicide, which is the second leading cause of death in teens […]

The Link Between Insomnia and Depression

man laying in bed

Nothing is more frustrating than tossing and turning all night when you should be sleeping. Lying there, anticipating the alarm going off at 6:00 am as the hours tick by, can cause deep distress. You cringe when considering the coming day, knowing that you will be functioning on fumes. Insomnia is one of the most […]

“Leaky Gut Syndrome” May Cause Depression

stomach ache

Our intestines play an important role. They not only digest food but also extract nutrients from it. Bowels are a protective barrier between internal organs and the outside world but they have one weak spot. The intestinal mucosa consists of a thin layer of epithelial cells that are interconnected by special proteins. These proteins don’t […]

6 Treatments For Depression Based on Biology: A Look at the Science for Laypersons

6 Biological Treatments for Depression

Looking for 2019’s hottest new depression treatments, but tired of one-off non-reproduced experiments, industry-biased interpretations, and overstatement from tenure-chasing university faculty? Then bring some meta-science into your life. Below, a list of 6 biological treatments for major depressive disorder, and the systematic reviews & meta-analyses that (kinda) tell us whether they work. SSRI’s Psychiatry’s go-to […]

Glen Z. Brooks, MD

Glen Brooks, MD is the found and Medical Director of NY Ketamine Infusions, one of the first therapy centers dedicated to exclusively providing ketamine infusions.

Catatonic Depression: Signs, Causes, and Recovery

catatonic depression

Depression is a major disorder that affects a person negatively and causes impairment in daily life. Many people have undergone depression at some point in their lives. Depression can be identified and treated. However, there are severe stages of depression that change a person’s life completely. Catatonic depression is one of the severe kinds of […]

How to Practice Gratitude When You’re Depressed

young adult gratitude

Happiness is a goal that most people hope to achieve. It’s why you’ve seen an increase in practices such as self-care and gratitude. Gratitude is a form of self-care that aims to bring a sense of well-being and contentment through appreciating the things we have in our lives. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to practice […]

6 Scientific Ways to Help Your Brain and Feel Happy When You Are Depressed

We live in a world where we are constantly on the go. Almost every minute of every day is jam packed full of loud noises, bright lights, and a near constant state of hustle and bustle. And when you combine that with a whole lot of life-related stress, well things don’t end up so good. […]

How Exercise Helps Relieve Depression and Anxiety

Exercise for Depression and Anxiety

Most people are aware of the physical benefits of exercise. However, other than getting a rocking body, building muscles, increasing energy, and improving cardiovascular health, regular exercise improves mental health as well. Some of the mental health benefits of exercise include increased self-esteem and self-confidence, better sleep, improved cognitive function, relief of stress, increased relaxation, […]

School Truancy: Could Depression or Anxiety be the Cause?

School children working in a classroom at desks. School Truancy, School Avoidance, School Anxiety, School Refusal

What is the significance of truancy? When students are repeatedly absent from school, the potential consequences are endless. Lower achievement, higher risk of dropout, legal troubles, and suffering relationships are a few on the individual level. On the national level, truancy means a less-educated and less-prepared workforce. Less education has implications for our communities when […]

4 Exercise Programs for Better Mental Health: Giving You the Endurance and Strength to Push Through Life’s Struggles

Life can be hard, and proof of this sobering reality are the 43 million Americans who suffer from some form of mental health condition, according to Mental Health America. Almost half of those 43 million have a co-occurring substance abuse problem, while some 9.6 million experience suicidal thoughts. Those figures might even increase in the […]