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Outrun the Sad Days: 5 Indoor Activities to Improve Your Mental Health

It’s okay to feel sad. Some days we’re happy, and on other days we feel sad. It’s a normal emotion, and you need to allow yourself to go through the sadness. Don’t mask it or shove it aside. It’ll do more damage if you keep it bottled up. Accept the emotion but don’t dwell on […]

Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms of PTSD

While many people have heard of PTSD, there is still widespread misunderstanding about it and the various ways it can show up in people. We often connect PTSD with flashbacks, but many are unaware of the cognitive symptoms and avoidance behavior that are also prominent for those who live with the disorder. This article will […]

Compassion Fatigue from the COVID-19 Pandemic: Understanding the Current Mental Health Needs of Nurses and Other Healthcare Professionals

Healthcare professionals, particularly nurses, have been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. Working longer hours, risking infection, and dealing with the anxiety and stress that the past few years have brought, nurses are beginning to question whether their job is worth the anguish. Duquesne’s School of Nursing’s Dr. Mai-Ly Nguyen Steers believes “the pandemic has […]

How to Help Someone in a Mental Health Crisis

May is Mental Health Month. It’s a great time to become more intimately acquainted with your own mental health needs and educate yourself on specific topics within the field of mental health. Just as it’s essential to keep a first aid kit on hand to ensure your preparedness for medical emergencies, it is vital to […]

How Daily Routines Can Benefit Your Mental Health

Routine and habit are ingrained in the human psyche. Adult personalities take at least 20 years to form, which is true for the behaviors and habits we acquire. Sadly, some of those habits and routines are not always beneficial to us. There aren’t many forces as powerful as your daily routines when it comes to […]

How to Deal with Overthinking: 8 Tricks that Helped Me Find Peace of Mind

overthink* verb Think about (something) too much or for too long. The term ‘overthinking’ has been increasingly used by people around the world over the past two years, thanks to a pandemic. A lot of people overthink, especially young adults. According to a study at the University of Michigan, 73 percent of Americans aged 25-35 […]

What Is the Most Effective Treatment for Phobias? Try Exposure Therapy

Though we often use the word phobia in casual conversation, many people are unaware of the extent of fear and distress they cause. Specific phobias are serious mental health conditions that require professional attention and support. This article will discuss specific phobias in more detail and reveal which treatment for phobias has proven to be […]

The Link Between a Children’s Development and Mental Health: Symptoms and Treatment of Children’s Mental Health Disorders

Experiences are like bricks that lay the foundation of children’s mental health. If the bricks are weak, they will never sustain the pressure and weight. Thus, the building is at risk of collapsing. Just like that, traumatic childhood experiences destabilize the foundation of children’s mental health, leading to serious problems later in life. How Do […]

Debunking 5 Common Myths about Psychosis

There continues to be widespread misunderstanding about psychosis—why it occurs, what it looks like, and how it is managed. This article will discuss the truth and debunk five common myths about psychosis. Increasing our understanding of psychosis can lead to reduced stigma and increased compassion for those who experience it. What is Psychosis? Psychosis is […]

Three Ways to Treat Body Image Issues

Body image covers so many aspects of our feelings about our appearance, from how we think others perceive our looks to comparing ourselves to ‘cultural norms.’ It even goes beyond appearance, affecting many people’s beliefs about what their bodies can and cannot do physically. With mainstream and social media channels at our fingertips 24/7, it’s […]

Why Mental Health First Aid Is Vital for the Workplace

Mental health issues affect one in every six people in the workplace. As a result, many businesses have implemented programs to assist employees by teaching them Mental Health First Aid (MHFA). With a rise in demand for MHFA training, it’s vital to understand what it is and how it can benefit the workplace. What is […]

An Explanation of Outpatient Rehab Programs and How They Work

While getting treated for alcoholism or substance abuse, you may worry you will have to neglect your responsibilities at home, work, or school. However, outpatient treatment programs may allow you to get the help and support you need on a part-time basis that fits into your schedule. An inpatient treatment program requires you to put […]

Managing the College Stress Epidemic for Students

College can be an exciting time in young people’s lives, as they explore their independence and prepare for a bright future. However, it can also be a period of transition, growth, and changes, often leading to stress in college students. While some stress can be beneficial in motivating students to develop their competencies and skills, […]

The Difference between Bipolar Disorder and ADHD

Bipolar disorder and ADHD are the two brain conditions that can affect an individual of any age. ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is the most common childhood neurodevelopmental disorder. Both conditions affect many people, and some symptoms are even similar. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between the two conditions. Since bipolar disorder can […]

Does Social Media Play a Role in Body Dysmorphia?

“Comparison is the death of joy.” – Mark Twain Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is an obsession with one’s appearance and becoming overly focused on flaws (real or imagined), leading to significant emotional distress. Those who struggle with body dysmorphia often attempt to “fix” the problem with excessive exercise, dieting, or cosmetic procedures. Fixing or eliminating […]

Bipolar I vs. Bipolar II: Key Differences, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Emotional upheaval is part and parcel of life for many, and it’s pretty common. But what if the up and down feelings reach an extreme level? Those extreme ups and downs might be due to a mental health condition called bipolar disorder. In this disorder, a person experiences manic highs, other times sinking into depressive lows. […]

Life with High-Functioning Depression: Feeling Seen When Others See Nothing Wrong

For the entirety of my life, I have tried to do right in everything and by everyone. For the first time this past year, I questioned my capacity to do that and, in turn, questioned everything that I thought I knew about myself. Since adolescence, I have prided myself upon my successes, resiliency, willingness to […]

How Workplace Burnout Affects Our Daily Lives

Everyone can have “one of those days.” But when you start to feel like everything is wearing you down over time, it could be a sign you’re suffering from workplace burnout. In one recent study, 76% of people have experienced feelings of burnout and agreed that stress at work has negatively impacted their mental health. […]

Self-Care for the Post-COVID Era: Understanding and Accommodating Your Personal Mental Health Needs

Mental health is complex and can involve many different factors, from the environment around you to your genes to what’s going on in your life. We are all individuals, and it’s important to remember that when considering your own needs. The COVID-19 pandemic has been incredibly stressful for a large portion of the population, and […]

Porn Addiction: How to Break Free and Overcome Temptation

Porn addiction is a topic that is often ignored and rarely recognized. Porn addiction develops early, particularly in young men. Usually, it begins when puberty sets in and sexual attraction is a brand new feeling. Porn becomes the default method for dealing with these foreign feelings at that age and generally sticks around. Most people […]

The Pandemic is Misogynistic: Thoughts on Women’s Mental Health from a High School Junior

The global COVID-19 pandemic is constantly turning our world upside down. It is safe to say that there is not a single person who the pandemic has not impacted. However, as CNN reports, women bear the brunt of the effects, especially concerning mental health. Compounded with the stress from isolation, school closures, and the general […]

Differences between Asperger’s Syndrome and Typical Autism: A Closer Look at Autism Spectrum Disorder

Introduction Many people use the terms Asperger’s syndrome and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) interchangeably. Asperger’s syndrome was formerly thought to be distinct from ASD. However, an Asperger’s diagnosis is no longer listed in the DSM-V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition). The symptoms and indications once associated with an Asperger’s diagnosis are […]

Understanding and Controlling Rage: The Complex Interplay of Mental Illness, Substance Abuse, and Anger Regulation

You love your family. You cherish your friends. You find pleasure and fulfillment in your work. You have every reason to be a happy, well-adjusted person in almost all respects. Sometimes, though, the pressures of the day and the inevitable challenges of life get to be too much. You lash out. You lose control and […]

Is Psychotherapy Effective in Treating Addiction?

Each year, over 96,000 Americans die due to drug overdose. The internet has made addictive activities such as gambling, porn, or shopping more accessible than ever. But it’s also opened the door for access to treatments such as virtual psychotherapy. If you or a loved one are struggling, you may be considering whether therapy is […]

Therapy, a Healing Rollercoaster Ride

I listen closely when anyone says, “My therapist told me….”. Why? Because it’s cheaper than actual therapy and less daunting than having to confide in a person I just met. That’s how I thought therapy worked, the therapist and client meet, the client shares his/her experience, then the therapist implements a treatment plan, and from […]

How Does Autism Affect Women’s Mental Health and What to Do About It?

Life can be difficult at times. But if we express and communicate our needs to the people around us, we can navigate our way. Expression and communication help us get through the challenges of life. Now think of somebody who cannot do something as simple as that. How tough can that be for a person? […]

How Stress Can Affect Your Personality

Everybody experiences stress at some point in their lives. For some, it’s just a fleeting feeling that passes once the source of stress is gone. But for others, stress can become a chronic problem that affects not just their mood but also their personality. Mental health experts note that stressed-out people tend to become more […]

How to Talk to Your Employer about Mental Health Struggles at Work

In modern society, conversations about mental health are becoming more frequent as the stigma around the subject continues to diminish. If you have felt your mental health suffer recently, you’re not alone, with one in five American adults experiencing a mental health illness every year. Whether you’re stressed about job security and workload or are […]

6 Ways Writing a Diary Can Support Your Mental Health

Writing Helps Mental health issues are no longer a taboo subject. People of all trades and walks of life can be affected. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly 53 million adults in the United States live with some form of mental illness. That is approximately one in every five adults. While the […]

Understanding the Different Types of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

The term obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is often used to describe a wide variety of behaviors, thoughts, and compulsions. Some people casually throw the phrase around, even using it to make light of certain character traits such as being highly organized or exhibiting attention to detail. Because of this, there’s often confusion and speculation surrounding what […]

Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign: Promoting Mental Health Awareness in Our Schools

The numbers are in, and for those of us who have worked with teens for years, what we feared would happen is finally happening. Teen mental illness, self-harm, and suicide attempts have risen dramatically. Educators, mental health practitioners, and researchers connect this sudden upsurge to social isolation and loss of structure caused by the COVID-19 […]

Top Ways to Develop and Improve Children’s Mental Health

Improving Children’s Mental Health

Children’s mental health is as important as their physical and emotional wellbeing. Children aren’t always as happy-go-lucky as you may think. They have valid worries, fears, and insecurities that you may need to help them through. Balanced diets, regular exercises, and helping out with their school work will surely improve your kid’s physical health, but […]

Self-Injury Awareness: Why People Self-Harm and How to Help Them

Self-Harm Awareness

Years into my psychology degree, I still knew very little about self-harm. Armed with a vague idea that people self-harmed either in an attempt at suicide or as a cry for help, I had done no further research on the subject. The college I attended did not seem all that inspired to teach me anything […]

What Is Body Dysmorphia and How Is it Treated?

Body Dysmorphia Treatment

Body dysmorphic disorder is a mental health condition that involves excessive negative thoughts about the appearance of a person’s own body. It is estimated that about one in 50 people in the United States has this condition. Characteristics of Body Dysmorphia People who have body dysmorphic disorder are hyper-focused on their personal appearance and their […]

Is Hybrid Work the Key to Better Mental Health?

Hybrid Work and Mental Health

Mental health in the workplace has been a concern for quite a while. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, workers were battling stress and burnout on the job. The period of quarantine opened our eyes to start taking mental health in the workplace more seriously. Working from home during the pandemic helped some people slow down […]

How Seniors with Limited Mobility Can Cope with Social Isolation by Getting Outdoors

Limited Mobility and Social Isolation

Spending time outdoors is essentially crucial for people of all ages. Interacting with nature lifts spirits and boosts physical and mental health, and is a perfect way to relax and find peace. While being outdoors is important for every person, it is particularly crucial for seniors with limited mobility. Experts advise that spending time outdoors […]

Key Questions and Considerations When Choosing Addiction Treatment Programs

Choosing Addiction Treatment Programs

As a Clinical Psychologist, I am often asked by families to assist them in finding an appropriate treatment program for a loved one with an addiction problem. The addiction can vary from drug or alcohol dependency to video gaming and gambling. One of the ways I help my clients and their families is by exploring […]

The Impact of Telehealth on Counseling Patients

Telehealth Video Call

Telehealth is an essential tool of the modern era—one boosted by Covid-19 and emerging technologies. In rural Michigan, the share of adults who used telehealth for remote monitoring or counseling rose from 10% to 17% in 2021. The rate of increase was even higher in 2020 when the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services […]

How Child Psychologists Help Children with Mental Health Problems

Child Psychologists Help Children

Mental health problems are more common than meets the eye, especially for children. It’s thought that about 15% of children and adolescents worldwide have a mental health disorder. Child psychologists and psychotherapists play an essential role in the treatment of mental health problems. They help children cope with stresses in their lives, assess mental health […]

Tips for Working with Bipolar Depression

Working with Bipolar Depression

Bipolar depression can be a hard thing to deal with. Bipolar depression occurs after a manic or hypomanic phase of bipolar disorder. It doesn’t always happen after a manic phase. Manic phases can happen on their own, as can bipolar depression. The purpose of this article is to offer tips on how to manage bipolar […]

What Natural Anxiety Relief Works Best for You?

Natural Anxiety Relief

Anxiety is a feeling that everyone experiences at some point. It’s normal to feel anxious when making important decisions, meeting new people, interviewing for a job, or encountering stressful situations. However, when anxiety ramps up and interferes with normal daily activities, this is known as an anxiety disorder. Medication is often the first line of […]

5 Possible Reasons You Have Trouble Sleeping

man yawning at work

Many people minimize the importance of sleep because they don’t realize the long-lasting effects of not getting enough of it. Lack of sufficient sleep adversely affects your mental and physical health. If you’re having trouble falling or staying asleep, knowing the cause of your sleep disturbances can help you feel better. Your Circadian Rhythm May […]

5 Easy Ways to Cope with Low Mood

sad woman

In these unprecedented times, many people across the nation have experienced some form of low mood. Whether triggered by an event such as stress at work, the death of a loved one, or illness, the feeling can be unbearable. Many describe a “low mood” as a feeling of hopelessness. Others describe it as a lack […]

Getting Help for Mental Health: Should I Take Medication or Go to Therapy?

hands holding medication

In my time as a therapist, I’ve worked with many people who struggle with symptoms of anxiety and depression, as they are the common cold and the flu of the mental health world. Generalized anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder have long been two of the most common mental health disorders, while several other anxiety […]

Tips for Coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder

Have you ever felt miserable because it seemed like winter would never end? Although it’s natural to get tired of the long, dark days, some people experience seasonal affective disorder or SAD. SAD, also referred to as seasonal depression, affects 10 million Americans each year, most of them women. If you experience depression at the […]

How Mental Health Awareness Is Changing in the Workplace

diverse businesspeople clapping

The days of hushed conversations surrounding mental health struggles are gone. People are more comfortable than ever discussing how they’re doing and what they need to find more inner balance. The change also affects professional spaces, which is great for both employees and management teams. Mental health awareness is changing in the workplace, making the […]

Social Isolation and Its Impact on Mental Health

man on online meeting

The declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) sparked widespread fear around the world. Even though it’s been almost two years since the pandemic’s start, it’s still a reality in many parts of the country. Our daily lives have changed significantly due to the preventive measures to curb the further spread […]

Environmental Pollution and Its Effects on Mental Health

polluting port facility

Things were different a few decades back when you didn’t have to retreat to the countryside to find clean, breathable air. With global warming on the rise, the environmental side effects are wreaking havoc on physical and mental health. Mental health problems are also on the rise, and one unexpected culprit is the deteriorating air […]

4 Holistic Practices to Decrease Anxiety and Depression

“man looking out on mountain lake

Anxiety and depression are real. They continue to plague our society, arguably more so now than in past years. Life is already incredibly challenging. Slap a pandemic and economic turbulence on top of that, and out comes a surge of anxious emotions and depressing thoughts. Since most of these external events influencing our emotions are […]

How to Manage Mental Health When Traveling in 2022

masked passengers boarding flight.

You’ve been planning a vacation for a few months, but is now the right time to go? Taking a break could do you some good. A 2013 study found that traveling can enhance empathy, attention, energy, and focus, so you have more reason than ever to book a flight. But what if the mere thought […]

How to Tell Your Parents You Need Therapy

concerned mother and teen daughter.

Teen Mental Health According to the National Alliance of Mental Health, nearly 20% of teens live with a mental health condition, 11% suffer from mood disorders, and 8% have some kind of anxiety disorder. Teens today face a completely different set of challenges from what their parents faced. The age of social media and online […]

A Comprehensive Guide to ABA Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

child coloring with therapist

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurological disorder that can be complicated to diagnose and treat, especially without professional help. It affects about 1 in every 68 children, according to a recent report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy is among the widely preferred treatments for autism. […]

How You Can Deal With Financial Stress-Induced Mental Health Issues

calculating bills

Financial stress is a serious problem in America. Data collected by the American Psychological Association (APA) found that 61% of Americans say they feel stressed about money, and nearly three-quarters of respondents said they experienced mental health issues such as feeling overwhelmed, headaches, fatigue, and changes in sleep habits. The good news is that the […]

An Urgent Response to the Teen Mental Health Crisis

sad teen with smartphone

Teens are suffering an increase in anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and suicidal ideation due to the isolation and loss of structure the pandemic created. Rates were high before the pandemic… now, they are higher. The statistics reported by many credible peer-reviewed studies from around the spectrum of the mental health community are staggering. Teens are […]

Receiving VA Disability Benefits for Depression and Anxiety

worried man in business suit

It is always an honor to serve one’s country. However, no one really gets out of the military completely unscathed. According to the RAND research organization, there are more than nine million veterans who are currently enrolled in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care system. There was a time when the only […]

What is Mental Health: An Introduction to Mental Health Disorders and Their Symptoms

man walking on beach

Mental health includes a person’s emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It impacts everything we do—how we think, feel, and behave. In addition, it plays a role in how we cope with stress, relate to other people, and make certain choices. As a result, mental health is essential at every stage in life, whether childhood, adolescence, […]

The Best Advice My Therapist Ever Gave Me about Dealing with Shame

proud black woman

About 15 years ago, I told my therapist about the social isolation I was struggling with. It had been a few years since my mental breakdown, and I didn’t want to be seen by my friends until I felt better. I didn’t know what to say to them, so I avoided them. I was too […]

Academic Burnout in College Students: How to Prevent It

happy young woman studying.

College is supposed to be a safe place where learning, growth, and fun interconnect to give young adults a once-in-a-lifetime experience. However, the quest for academic validation, success, and the natural human desire to learn new things can become a daunting experience—leaving students with nothing but stress and apathy. We call that academic burnout. According […]

6 Ways Pets Help Release Your Stress

woman high fiving dog

When people think about ways to relieve stress in their lives, things like meditation, yoga, and journaling often spring to mind. These are, without a doubt, excellent techniques. Getting a new best friend, on the other hand, might have several stress-relieving health advantages. While human friends give excellent social support and offer many benefits, this […]

Fight or Flight and the Human Limbic System: How to Manage Powerful Emotions

roaring lion

Emotions are incredibly powerful and can overwhelm you. This is especially true when you are younger. Neuroscience shows that the limbic system is at the core of this issue. When you’ve lost someone important in your life, you can’t stop the sadness from taking over. Or when someone hurts your feelings, you may have an […]

7 Secrets on How to Keep a New Year’s Resolution: Personal Goals and Ideas for the New Year

two young women share a secret

Every year we decorate our home for the holidays, sing seasonal tunes, and bundle up by the fire to exchange gifts with loved ones. Before we know it, the new year is upon us, making us think about our New Year’s resolution list. Most of us know how hard it can be to keep a […]

Tips to Help You Stay on Task and Avoid Distractions

man at work with multiple devices

Improve Your Work Productivity the Smart Way Here’s the truth: distractions are a part of life. Here’s the caveat: mismanaged distractions hurt your productivity at work. It takes an average of 23 minutes and 15 seconds to get back to work after you’re distracted. And distractions are everywhere, from mobile phone notifications, calls from friends […]

How to Identify and Understand Your Attachment Style for Healthier Relationships

couple holding hands in heart sign

Have you ever wondered what makes people handle relationships so differently? You might start a friendship or romantic relationship and look forward to every text from that new person. Others grow more distant as they get closer to people, and it all depends on that person’s attachment style. These styles can seem complicated at first, […]

Is Pulse PEMF Therapy Effective against Anxiety and Depression?

happy woman with red hat

Are you or your loved ones struggling with anxiety or depression? Have you tried conventional treatment methods that aren’t helping? It’s high time to consider pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy to relieve depression and anxiety symptoms. Before continuing with the effect of PEMF therapy on anxiety and depression, let’s see how the statistical reports on […]

7 Tips on How to Benefit from a Mental Health Support Group

support group hands-in.

Do you know that getting help from a mental health counselor is the first and most important step in overcoming anxiety, depression, addiction, trauma, and other fear-related issues? In addition to seeing a counselor, another great way to get help and find people who can relate to your mental health situation is to join a […]

Mind and Body: The Benefits of Exercise for College Students’ Mental Health

two friends running on beach

As a college student, staying fit and getting in shape might not seem like much of a priority. Finding the time to exercise is often tricky when balancing the need to study and attend lectures, all while maintaining an active social life. But it turns out that exercise can have real benefits for your mental […]

13 Ways to Deal with Loneliness During the Holidays

Christmas kitten tangled in lights

The pandemic made it harder than ever to connect with others and meet new people, triggering a sense of loneliness in many. Now the holidays are upon us, making some of us feel lonelier than ever. This is especially true for those struggling with mental health issues or separated from their loved ones at this […]

Why Mental Health Awareness Should Be Taught in Schools

children in diverse classroom

According to statistics, 20% of adolescents may experience a mental health problem. Additionally, 70% of children and teens get no help with their mental health problems at a sufficiently early age. Mental health issues are becoming more common in children and adolescents in the US. Thus children and adolescents should learn about mental health in […]