Today’s mental health landscape is turbulent. Worldwide events of the past few years have created some of the most widespread mental health strains and stress the world has ever known. Though awareness of mental illness and psychological health might be at an all-time high in many places, the number of people living with significant mental […]
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One of the most important things you can do to help students succeed in school is to create a productive study environment. However, when it comes to managing students with mental health needs, it becomes a bit more complicated. The ultimate goal is to still create a productive study environment, but also one that meets […]
As human beings, we all feel sad at times. Sadness is a natural emotion that everyone experiences. It occurs at different levels, and people often confuse extreme sadness with depression. Here is a detailed guide to help you know the difference between sadness and depression, so you can treat your depression or cope with sadness […]
Does hearing laughter as you walk by a group of people make you feel self-conscious? Are you a lover of the great indoors, specifically your home? You walk into a room of seated people, and they’re looking at you. How do you feel? Everybody experiences social discomfort throughout their lives. It’s the reason for common sayings […]
Employee mental health problems can impact a business quite seriously. Approximately 80% of adults with depression report at least some difficulty with their work, home, or social activities, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Among the many dimensions of wellness, mental health in the workplace and associated issues are more difficult […]
Do you know that saving or storing material items of little worth can be a sign of a mental health problem? Hoarding disorder is a condition in which people have persistent difficulty letting go of things that are not useful and end up storing them unnecessarily. What is Hoarding Disorder? According to Mayo Clinic, compulsive […]
These days, there is greater public awareness about the impacts of traumatic events. Books such as The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk and Trauma and Recovery by Judith Lewis Herman, among many others, have played an essential role in educating us about the effects interpersonal trauma can have across a lifetime. […]
Many people believe that individuals labeled ‘psychopaths’ are incapable of change, destined to remain stuck in their patterns of criminality, manipulation, and lack of empathy. But is this really true? In this article, we will explore what psychopathy truly is and whether treatment can be effective in helping those with this condition. Understanding more about […]
While many people have heard of PTSD, there is still widespread misunderstanding about it and the various ways it can show up in people. We often connect PTSD with flashbacks, but many are unaware of the cognitive symptoms and avoidance behavior that are also prominent for those who live with the disorder. This article will […]
May is Mental Health Month. It’s a great time to become more intimately acquainted with your own mental health needs and educate yourself on specific topics within the field of mental health. Just as it’s essential to keep a first aid kit on hand to ensure your preparedness for medical emergencies, it is vital to […]
Though we often use the word phobia in casual conversation, many people are unaware of the extent of fear and distress they cause. Specific phobias are serious mental health conditions that require professional attention and support. This article will discuss specific phobias in more detail and reveal which treatment for phobias has proven to be […]
There continues to be widespread misunderstanding about psychosis—why it occurs, what it looks like, and how it is managed. This article will discuss the truth and debunk five common myths about psychosis. Increasing our understanding of psychosis can lead to reduced stigma and increased compassion for those who experience it. What is Psychosis? Psychosis is […]
Mental health issues affect one in every six people in the workplace. As a result, many businesses have implemented programs to assist employees by teaching them Mental Health First Aid (MHFA). With a rise in demand for MHFA training, it’s vital to understand what it is and how it can benefit the workplace. What is […]
Bipolar disorder and ADHD are the two brain conditions that can affect an individual of any age. ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is the most common childhood neurodevelopmental disorder. Both conditions affect many people, and some symptoms are even similar. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between the two conditions. Since bipolar disorder can […]
“Comparison is the death of joy.” – Mark Twain Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is an obsession with one’s appearance and becoming overly focused on flaws (real or imagined), leading to significant emotional distress. Those who struggle with body dysmorphia often attempt to “fix” the problem with excessive exercise, dieting, or cosmetic procedures. Fixing or eliminating […]
Emotional upheaval is part and parcel of life for many, and it’s pretty common. But what if the up and down feelings reach an extreme level? Those extreme ups and downs might be due to a mental health condition called bipolar disorder. In this disorder, a person experiences manic highs, other times sinking into depressive lows. […]
Introduction Many people use the terms Asperger’s syndrome and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) interchangeably. Asperger’s syndrome was formerly thought to be distinct from ASD. However, an Asperger’s diagnosis is no longer listed in the DSM-V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition). The symptoms and indications once associated with an Asperger’s diagnosis are […]
Life can be difficult at times. But if we express and communicate our needs to the people around us, we can navigate our way. Expression and communication help us get through the challenges of life. Now think of somebody who cannot do something as simple as that. How tough can that be for a person? […]
In modern society, conversations about mental health are becoming more frequent as the stigma around the subject continues to diminish. If you have felt your mental health suffer recently, you’re not alone, with one in five American adults experiencing a mental health illness every year. Whether you’re stressed about job security and workload or are […]
The term obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is often used to describe a wide variety of behaviors, thoughts, and compulsions. Some people casually throw the phrase around, even using it to make light of certain character traits such as being highly organized or exhibiting attention to detail. Because of this, there’s often confusion and speculation surrounding what […]
The numbers are in, and for those of us who have worked with teens for years, what we feared would happen is finally happening. Teen mental illness, self-harm, and suicide attempts have risen dramatically. Educators, mental health practitioners, and researchers connect this sudden upsurge to social isolation and loss of structure caused by the COVID-19 […]
Years into my psychology degree, I still knew very little about self-harm. Armed with a vague idea that people self-harmed either in an attempt at suicide or as a cry for help, I had done no further research on the subject. The college I attended did not seem all that inspired to teach me anything […]
Body dysmorphic disorder is a mental health condition that involves excessive negative thoughts about the appearance of a person’s own body. It is estimated that about one in 50 people in the United States has this condition. Characteristics of Body Dysmorphia People who have body dysmorphic disorder are hyper-focused on their personal appearance and their […]
Spending time outdoors is essentially crucial for people of all ages. Interacting with nature lifts spirits and boosts physical and mental health, and is a perfect way to relax and find peace. While being outdoors is important for every person, it is particularly crucial for seniors with limited mobility. Experts advise that spending time outdoors […]
Bipolar depression can be a hard thing to deal with. Bipolar depression occurs after a manic or hypomanic phase of bipolar disorder. It doesn’t always happen after a manic phase. Manic phases can happen on their own, as can bipolar depression. The purpose of this article is to offer tips on how to manage bipolar […]
In these unprecedented times, many people across the nation have experienced some form of low mood. Whether triggered by an event such as stress at work, the death of a loved one, or illness, the feeling can be unbearable. Many describe a “low mood” as a feeling of hopelessness. Others describe it as a lack […]
Have you ever felt miserable because it seemed like winter would never end? Although it’s natural to get tired of the long, dark days, some people experience seasonal affective disorder or SAD. SAD, also referred to as seasonal depression, affects 10 million Americans each year, most of them women. If you experience depression at the […]
The days of hushed conversations surrounding mental health struggles are gone. People are more comfortable than ever discussing how they’re doing and what they need to find more inner balance. The change also affects professional spaces, which is great for both employees and management teams. Mental health awareness is changing in the workplace, making the […]
Have you ever felt that you are too tired to even get out of bed? All you want to do the entire day is just sleep. Is your life hectic? Do you feel you cannot take it anymore? If yes, you need to take a good look at what is going on with you. You […]
You’ve been planning a vacation for a few months, but is now the right time to go? Taking a break could do you some good. A 2013 study found that traveling can enhance empathy, attention, energy, and focus, so you have more reason than ever to book a flight. But what if the mere thought […]
It is always an honor to serve one’s country. However, no one really gets out of the military completely unscathed. According to the RAND research organization, there are more than nine million veterans who are currently enrolled in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care system. There was a time when the only […]
Mental health includes a person’s emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It impacts everything we do—how we think, feel, and behave. In addition, it plays a role in how we cope with stress, relate to other people, and make certain choices. As a result, mental health is essential at every stage in life, whether childhood, adolescence, […]
There is no doubt that mental health activism positively impacts those with diagnoses, but you may be surprised to learn that doing activism can improve your own physical and mental health. So why not do both—help others and yourself? When people think about activism, they often get stuck on stereotypes of protesting or calling elected […]
If you’re using this site, you likely believe that family support is essential for managing a mental illness. And you would be right, for all the reasons cited in this article. And yet, most children and young adults crave some connection with peers and may suffer from loneliness if they do not have a social […]
Mental health is a challenge for many people. Over 26% of US adults a year are diagnosed with a mental health disorder, and of those, 2.2 million are affected by obsessive-compulsive disorder. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health disorder that causes people to have unwanted thoughts and compulsions. Obsessions are typically intrusive thoughts or […]
Pregnancy is a beautiful process, but it comes with its hardships and problems. Many people think that giving birth puts an end to the struggles, and it all becomes sunshine and roses afterward. However, it is followed by the postpartum period, which sometimes can be even more difficult than pregnancy itself. According to World Health […]
Have you ever found yourself trying your hardest to make things work but feel like you may be going crazy? Being in a relationship where you always have to watch what you say and still get ridiculed can’t be pleasant. Chances are there is nothing wrong with you but the immediate company you keep. Gaslighting […]
Suicidal ideation is a term that describes a range of complications, wishes, and preoccupations with death and suicide. In some cases, these thoughts lead to planning and attempts on one’s own life. In 2019 alone, there were around 12 million Americans who seriously thought about attempting suicide. This figure only accounts for reported thoughts, so […]
Benefits of Anxiety If you ask a roomful of anxious people whether they believe their anxiety could be working toward their advantage, I will bet that 95% of them would say ABSOLUTELY NOT! That feeling of being uncomfortable in your skin, that last breath you can’t take, or that racing heart that’s about to pop […]
Here’s a clear guide letting you know what you should do, and more importantly, shouldn’t do when going through DP/DR. There’s no doubt that depersonalization/derealization disorder (DP/DR) is one of the scariest, most daunting, and frustrating mental health issues a person can experience. DP/DR is a strange mental health issue. People with this disorder feel […]
There’s a lot that’s unknown about mental health disorders. They are widely misunderstood. They carry stigmas, are joked about, and lack proper research. You may ask yourself: Why is that? Many people struggle with their mental health. Research shows that 20.6% of U.S. adults deal with mental illness. This translates to one in five adults […]
Today, more and more people are developing an awareness of how important mental health is, especially with the uncertainty of the future due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many people are becoming concerned about their susceptibility to various mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, and insomnia, among a list of several other disorders. Olympian Simone […]
Going for a walk in the park isn’t necessarily enjoyable when the whole time you’re on high alert, overthinking how you’re being perceived. This is the everyday experience of having social anxiety, the fear that you’re constantly being judged, laughed at, and disliked for doing simple everyday things. Those of us battling social anxiety disorder […]
Invincible one day, in pieces the next; head in the clouds, feet in hell. That is the fate for those of us facing mood swings. The biggest suck of mood disorders is feeling like we’re always taking one step forward and one step back. It feels like we’re living inside a movie where a ruthless […]
Microaggressions are subtle but distinctly intolerant comments, actions, behaviors, or environments directed against marginalized people or groups of people. They are a vague and ambiguous form of discrimination. Those who commit microaggressions are often influenced by internalized biases they themselves may not even recognize. This makes it very difficult for a person on the receiving […]
The warmer spring and summer months usually usher in a time of great activity and fun for most Americans. They’re a chance to get out into nature, have barbeques, and hit the beach. But there are also constant reminders everywhere that women should have the “perfect bikini body.” The pressure on people – men also […]
An estimated one in five American adults experiences bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, or other mental illnesses each year. And scientists warn that several years of pandemic-related stress and social upheaval have not done our mental health any favors, although the exact implications are still being explored. Most Americans say that they significantly increased their use […]
Hearing the words “eating disorder” conjures up the image of a person who has a troubled relationship with food and eating, often accompanied by body image distortion and low self-esteem. It might seem that these conditions are stand-alone issues. The reality, though, is that the visible signs of an eating disorder are an outward display […]
According to a report shared by the National Institute of Mental Health, around one in five U.S. adults live with mental illness. Seniors are at a higher risk for mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety, particularly when their health deteriorates and they face difficulty managing numerous diseases. So if you’re having persistent feelings […]
So many seniors feel as though their lives will end soon. They have either achieved everything they wanted to or received word that their health is in poor shape. It’s not easy for seniors who have lived long and happy lives to suddenly, out of nowhere, feel trapped in their bodies as they grow older. […]
Post-traumatic stress disorder, otherwise known as PTSD, has been associated with one of the most dangerous killers in America, cardiovascular disease. Under stress, the human heart rate can rise to 38 beats more per minute. When the heart rate increases, the chest tightens, the breath shortens, and in some cases, people can find themselves on […]
30-Second Summary There are 6 healthy choices you can make to change your life. They are the following: Working out:Releases hormones for cell growth and supplies more oxygen to the brain. Watch your food:Replace unhealthy snacks with a balanced diet of vitamins, proteins, minerals, and plenty of water. Stressbuster: Talk about your thoughts and emotions […]
When a doctor tells you that you have a disease with no cure, it changes your world. Even if the disease is one that you have heard of and that is controllable, the fact that this will be part of your life forever is shocking. Diabetes Diabetes is a chronic illness. The human body uses […]
Sports and athletic activities such as dance provide many routes for adolescents to develop physically and increase their skills in teamwork, leadership, and self-confidence. Sports can be a distraction, but they are just as likely to provide discipline that can help in schoolwork and later in life. On the other hand, body image and weight […]
The number of children struggling with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the United States is astounding. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a 2016 survey of parents found that 6.1 million children have been diagnosed with ADHD. In fact, ADHD is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental health conditions in children. […]
For many civilians, Memorial Day weekend means relaxation and barbecues, family and friends, and maybe a bit of travel. However, because it is a day dedicated to our fallen men and women in uniform, Memorial Day can be challenging for some veterans living with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The condition can conjure painful memories, images, […]
ADHD is a common behavioral disorder that affects about 10% of school-age children. Boys are more prone to this disorder than girls. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is the general designation for all mental as well as neurobehavioral disorders which show symptoms of impulsiveness, hyperactivity, and inattention. ADHD often co-occurs with other emotional, behavioral, language, […]
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is by no means a new mental health condition. However, the heightened public awareness of anxiety and depression in recent years has many people re-evaluating their relationship with mental health and looking to improve their interactions and make life more manageable for others. Educating ourselves about PTSD is important not just […]
Job interviews can be nerve-wracking, especially when you struggle with anxiety. The experience of having to prove your worth and being evaluated by people can be really difficult and are major triggers of anxious feelings. This is completely normal and very common, although that doesn’t mean you should have to put up with it. You […]
Every person will feel anxious at some point in their lives. It is because anxiety is a physiological stress response. Your Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) activates in stressful situations, which kicks off a hormone rush. When you feel anxious, what you’re experiencing is your body going into “fight or flight” mode. Now imagine an amplified […]
The term gaslighting has nothing to do with gas or lighting. It refers to an intense form of psychological manipulation that can erode the victim’s self-esteem and sense of reality. The gaslighter makes a victim feel anxious and doubtful about his or her own feelings, memories, and thoughts. Victims feel like they are always on […]
According to studies, women are more vulnerable to depression than men, especially young women ages 14-25. However, this number decreases as women grow older. Moreso than men, women experience different types of depression, which we will discuss later. Knowing the early signs and symptoms of depression will give you a chance to help women in […]
We’re becoming increasingly aware of the prevalence of autism in young children. Today, one in 54 kids has autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which leads to differences in responsiveness to social, communicative, and behavioral cues. Students with ASD can also experience symptoms that make learning difficult, especially in a traditional classroom setting. They must interact with […]
Mental health disorders and brain injury are often seen and treated as two completely separate diagnoses and are sometimes even confused as being the same. While brain injury and mental illness can be entirely different issues, traumatic brain injury (TBI) can lead to the development of mental health concerns. It is also possible for the […]
Bulimia nervosa is a prevalent eating disorder that can’t be identified just by looking at someone. For family members and others who are worried that their loved one has bulimia nervosa, it may seem like a challenge to determine if they need to seek out eating disorder treatment centers. Here, we’ll outline some common symptoms […]
What is PTSD? Ever been frightened and unable to sleep after watching a horror movie due to nightmares or feeling on edge? Ever been scared the first time you rode a roller coaster and thought to yourself that you would never ride it again? Well, these feelings and emotions are completely normal for such situations. […]
Virtual learning has become a reality for most students due to the pandemic. It’s been an adjustment for everyone involved, including students, teachers, and parents. Educators have had to find new ways to adapt their teaching methods, and students often find it more challenging to stay focused. Many kids also experience technical difficulties, which does […]
I remember walking down the dorm hallway after he left. It was usually full of people, but this day was different. There was no one around. It was the day that most everyone was leaving to go home for winter break. I stumbled down the hallway, terrified, as I clung to the wall for support, […]
There are different forms of anxiety, with some being more complex and others lighter. For example, some may worry that they will not be successful, and others that they are too successful, such as the singer Adele. Once during a Rolling Stones interview, Adele admitted that she has stage fright and tries to avoid large […]
There I was, breathing rapidly and heavily. I didn’t know what was happening. Then it hit me; I was having my first anxiety and panic attack. And it was terrible. I can tell you that. You might be in the same boat, especially today when we’re living in times of high stress and insecurity – […]