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Laurel House Thinking Well

RtoR Family-Endorsed Provider Profile

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Laurel House, Inc.
Thinking Well
Stamford, CT


Laurel House, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides recovery-oriented mental health rehabilitation services in Stamford, CT and the surrounding areas of lower Fairfield County, from Greenwich to Bridgeport.

Laurel House’s Thinking Well cognitive remediation program is an evidence-based program that addresses long-term cognitive impairment associated with serious mental illness. This therapeutic program addresses deficits in working memory, attention, processing speed, visual and verbal learning, problem solving and reasoning, any of which can be a factor for successful education, employment and independent living.

Laurel House, Inc
Thinking Well (Cognitive Remediation)
1616 Washington Blvd
Stamford, CT 06902

Family Member Quote

“My son attended 10 sessions of Thinking Well.  I think it helped exercise his brain and reduced the damaging effects of his mental illness and psychotropic meds.  He is now in college.”

Client Quote

“I just wanted to thank Laurel House for a great experience with Thinking Well. I really benefited from the program and I really appreciate all the hard work, support and encouragement from the staff. At the end of the 30 sessions, I am feeling much fitter mentally, ready and inspired to take on the challenge of going to college.”

Information and Referrals

Speak with a Resource Specialist about services and referrals to Laurel House Inc.’s Thinking Well program.


  • Cognitive remediation
  • Cognitive remediation/rehabilitation
  • Dialectical behavior training (DBT)
  • Rehabilitation services
  • Skills development

Client Focus

Other Services

  • Supported Education
  • Supported Employment
  • Community Support Services and Supportive Housing
  • Social rehabilitation skill-building workshops

In operation since: Laurel House, Inc. was founded in 1984 and the Thinking Well program was launched in 2014.


Those who qualify for publicly funded mental health services are eligible to participate in Thinking Well at no charge. There is a minimal charge for all other users of this service.

Laurel House, Inc. Mission Statement

Laurel House Inc. helps individuals and families achieve and sustain mental health to lead productive lives in the community.

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