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Newport Academy Outpatient Treatment Program


RtoR Family-Endorsed Provider Profile


Family-endorsed provider iconNewport Academy
Outpatient Treatment Program

Darien, CT


The Newport Academy Outpatient Program treats teens aged 13–19 who are experiencing psychological, behavioral, and substance abuse issues, including depression, anxiety, and trauma. The Outpatient Program is founded on an ongoing commitment to recovery, essential for ensuring sustainable results. Our program involves a comprehensive, multidisciplinary treatment plan tailored to each individual. This plan features a multi-phase track that progresses along an integrated growth trajectory, teaching fundamental skills for lifelong success.

Newport Academy
Outpatient Treatment Program
Darien, CT
(866) 367-8336

Family Member Testimonial

“Our daughter has improved so much over the past year through the help of Newport Academy. She has spent time in their IOP and school program in Darien. With their support, she was able to graduate high school and truly grow, have realistic goals and steps in which to meet them. Newport Academy supported not just our daughter, but us as her parents also and helped us with tools to find the balance between helping her and establishing appropriate boundaries.”

Information and Referrals

Speak with a Resource Specialist about services and referrals to the Newport Academy Outpatient Program.


  • Substance abuse treatment
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Individual recovery counseling sessions
  • Individual, group, and family therapy

Client Focus

  • Children
  • Adolescents
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Personality disorders
  • Phobias
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Trauma

In practice since: 2013

Accreditations & Qualifications

Newport Academy in the media
How to Protect Your College Freshman from the Dangers of Drinking

Newport Academy Featured on ABC 7 Los Angeles Discussing ‘To the Bone,’ Eating Disorders, and Teen Mental Health

Carter Barnhart and Jamison Monroe Honored for Dedication and Commitment to Teen Treatment

A Way Forward: Newport Academy Partners with TWLOHA to Prevent Teen Suicide

A Way Forward: Newport Academy Partners with TWLOHA to Prevent Teen Suicide

More about Newport Academy

Newport Academy is a series of evidence-based healing centers for adolescents and families struggling with mental health issues, eating disorders, and substance abuse. With locations across the United States, Newport Academy offers a family-systems approach, providing gender-specific, individualized, and comprehensive holistic programs that encompass clinical therapy, academic support, and experiential practices. Offerings include residential treatment, intensive outpatient programming, recovery-based therapeutic day schools, and day treatment. Newport Academy nurtures the physical, psychological, social, educational, and spiritual needs of adolescents and their families, from a foundation of compassionate care, clinical expertise, and unconditional love. Our primary mission is to empower teens and restore families. Experts include MDs, psychiatrists, therapists, registered dieticians, nurses, licensed social workers, teachers, and more.

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