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Westport Day School

RtoR Family-Endorsed Provider Profile



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Westport Day School
Wilton, CT

Westport Day School is a therapeutic day school that serves children and teens, from sixth through twelfth grade, with internalizing disorders, such as anxiety and depression, and learning disabilities. Westport Day School helps students who have not thrived in a traditional academic setting and who may have been unengaged in their learning process, resulting in school avoidance or school refusal. Westport Day School changes the way a student participates in his/her own education by fostering strong student-teacher relationships along with an emphasis on mindfulness and empathy. The school provides a warm, welcoming, and calm academic setting for students who have had a difficult academic journey and its staff use relational and motivational strategies to help fragile learners become engaged in their education. The school offers small classes with a curriculum that is individualized and takes into account the student’s strengths, weaknesses, interests, and educational goals. Students receive weekly counseling from a licensed clinician as well as special education support in reading, math, and/or writing for students with learning disabilities.

Westport Day School
372 Danbury Road
Wilton, CT 06897

(203) 557-0939


Client Quote

“Westport Day School is a therapeutic private school where grades 6-12 will learn various subjects. Examples of subjects would be English, a variety of science courses, history classes, psychology, sociology, and much more. Attending here for three years of my life was the best learning experience I’ve ever had.”

Information and Referrals

Speak with an RtoR Resource Specialist about services and referrals to Westport Day School.


Westport Day School serves adolescents ages 13-18.

  • Assessment and evaluation
  • Psychotherapy
  • School

Client Focus

  • Anxiety
  • Asperger’s disorder
  • Attachment disorders
  • Attention deficit disorder (ADD/ADHD)
  • Depression
  • Learning disabilities
  • Non-verbal learning disabilities
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • School phobia and refusal
  • Tourette’s syndrome

In practice since: 2013


Westport Day School is a Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) approved special education program.


Contact Westport Day School for more information.

Mission Statement

Westport Day School’s mission is to provide a powerful and effective therapeutic education that inspires, fascinates, and transforms children who have been beset by academic and clinical challenges such as anxiety, depression, learning disability, and/or school refusal. The mission is carried out by providing intensive and individualized education of the highest quality in a safe setting.

More about Westport Day School

Some facts about the learning environment at Westport Day School (WDS):

  • Class sizes are small, with 2-8 students per class. This is small enough to be therapeutic, yet large enough to promote a collaborative learning experience.
  • Technology is embedded in the delivery of education, including cutting-edge apps and computer-adaptive curriculum. Students are encouraged to use laptops in class. iPad technology will also be readily available. Though Westport Day School recognizes the importance of technological learning, they also utilize traditional teaching materials such as textbooks, books, and magazines (e.g., National Geographic, Scientific American).
  • Their staff believes in active learning and takes a multi-sensory approach to education. Hands-on learning is an essential component of the WDS experience.
  • There is a true sense of collaboration between students and teachers. They encourage students to work together and support one another in a positive way. Their environment fosters tolerance, respect, and collaboration, and creates opportunities for inspirational learning.




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