Just Right Wellness

Just Right Wellness helps make wellness more accessible for people with a mental health disorder and their loved ones. There is no one-size-fits-all advice here, only practical tips and original ideas to increase a sense of well-being to all areas of life.

living well eating disorder Living Well with an Eating Disorder (7/18/2017) -   Eating disorders are some of the most dangerous and deadly mental health conditions. These disorders can take a large toll on one’s physical and mental health. Thankfully, recovery from eating disorders is very much possible. Here are thirteen notable people who recovered from an eating disorder and have continued to live well. Paula Abdul [...]
living well with borderline Living Well with Borderline Personality Disorder (6/13/2017) - Borderline personality disorder is a widely misunderstood disorder that is characterized by extreme mood swings, fear of abandonment, and destructive behaviors. While the symptoms of this disorder can affect a person’s life, it is possible to live well with this disorder. Here are ten examples of people who were able to achieve notable success while [...]
imsobipolar tweet 6 Things that Everyone Thinks are Signs of Mental Illness but Aren’t (5/16/2017) - Can you easily tell the difference between average behavior and mental illness? Probably not. There is a lot of misinformation floating around in our society about mental illness, making it hard to tell whether certain behaviors might be quirks or might be a sign of something more. To show you the typical human behaviors most [...]
8 Study Hacks to Beat Test Anxiety 8 Study Hacks to Beat Test Anxiety (4/25/2017) -   You showed up to class every day. You took lengthy notes and studied for hours. You go to take the test and suddenly, your body tenses, your mind goes blank, and you can’t bring yourself to answer a single question. If you can relate to this then you are probably struggling with test anxiety [...]
women and drinking Cool Millennials and Stressed-Out Moms: Normalizing Excessive Drinking in Young Women (3/14/2017) - Both men and women enjoy drinking for a variety of reasons—to celebrate an event, to socialize with others, or calm down after a long day. Regardless of its benefits, alcohol can still cause dependence in both men and women. Yet, the stereotype of the alcoholic is usually pictured as a middle-aged man who would prefer [...]
superbetter SuperBetter: The App that Turns Mental Health into a Winning Game (2/28/2017) - Do you wish that taking care of your mental health and wellness was fun? Does it feel nearly impossible to break free from your negative thoughts and habits while taking steps to improve your overall happiness? Even with the guidance of a therapist, it still might feel daunting to work on your mental health every day. That’s [...]
living well with bipolar disorder Living Well with Bipolar Disorder (2/21/2017) - Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic-depression, is a serious mental health condition that is characterized by manic highs and depressive lows. The following is a list of notable people who have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and have achieved great success in their chosen fields. This list contains mostly those who are still living, but we [...]
mask you live in “The Mask You Live In”: Masculinity and Mental Health (1/17/2017) - The screen opens on an animated scene of a kid in a basement with his father looming over him. A booming voice yells, “be a man.” The animation fades to real life and shows NFL coach and former player, Joe Ehrmann, narrating the story of how his father taught him to “be a man.” Like [...]
clock at midmight Four Questions to Ask Yourself Before Making a New Year’s Resolution (12/27/2016) - It’s that time of year again when TV ads have shifted away from buying holiday presents to signing up for gym memberships. Even if you have no fitness goals in mind, if you’re like most Americans, you’ll make a New Year’s resolution…and give up on it by February. If you want to avoid this, there [...]
love your self, self-care Self-Care Isn’t Selfish and Other Self-Care Myths Busted (11/22/2016) -   Have you noticed that the term “self-care” has recently become a dividing topic? It seems people fall into two camps: those who champion all forms of self-care and those who think self-care is selfishness in disguise. This is made clear by a video released on the popular YouTube channel, College Humor. In the video [...]
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