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McLean Anxiety Mastery Program


RtoR Family-Endorsed Provider Profile




Family-endorsed provider iconMcLean Hospital
Anxiety Mastery Program (MAMP)
Cambridge, MA



McLean Hospital is a non-profit psychiatric hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts. Founded in 1811, it was the first hospital in New England and only the fourth special institution for the treatment of mental illness in America. McLean Hospital is an affiliate of Harvard Medical School and is noted for its neuroscientific and psychiatric research program, the largest of any private hospital in the world. It is also noted for the excellence of its clinical programs and staff, serving more than 9,000 children and adults a year for inpatient and residential care, and more than 28,000 day treatment and outpatient visits.

McLean Anxiety Mastery Program is an outpatient program for children and adolescents with an anxiety-related disorder. The program uses a combination of exposure therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, anxiety education, coping skills and other interventions to treat clients and provide them with the individualized skills they need to manage their anxiety effectively. McLean Anxiety Mastery Program is located in Cambridge, MA and serves families across New England.


McLean Anxiety Mastery Program (MAMP)
Sancta Maria Nursing Facility
799 Concord Avenue
Cambridge, MA


Family Member Quotes

“For years we searched and tried different mental health and physical health providers. MAMP was a great find. They are the experts. They get it. At MAMP, the providers worked individually and in groups with the children and they also involved the families and advised us so we would be able to help our children at home and continue to help once the program was over. They did a lot of exposure therapy with my child and we saw results at MAMP and they gave us a strong base to build on. We are very grateful for the experience at MAMP.”

“We enrolled our 11 year old daughter in MAMP due to her anxiety and bipolar disorders. The focus of her work there included an age appropriate education about the dynamics of anxiety and real life exposures to her unique fears in a very gentle manner. The “tool box” we created at MAMP continues to be useful in our home, as new situations arise.  We were impressed with the structure, the family support, the staff, and would highly recommend MAMP to any family struggling with mental health challenges.”

“This program does an incredible job of helping teenagers learn how to manage their anxiety so they can enjoy life instead of hide from it.”

“We are rather resourceful parents and yet even we had way too much trouble finding this program. MAMP should be on the radar of family doctors, therapists and schools.”

Client Quotes

“Before completing two sessions of this life-changing program, I had such debilitating anxiety that I could not properly function in the world. After this program I got into a therapeutic high school to finish my basic education and then move onto college. This would not have been possible without this program. I am forever grateful to all the kind, smart, and inspiring staff who worked with me during my time there, this program truly saved my life.”

Information and Referrals

Speak with a Resource Specialist about services and referrals to McLean Anxiety Mastery Program.



  • Exposure and response prevention therapy
  • Comprehensive evaluations
  • Individualized exposure treatment plans
  • Anxiety education
  • Cognitive coping skills
  • Mindfulness and relaxation skills
  • Relapse prevention
  • Medication evaluation and consultation
  • Family meetings
  • Parent guidance groups

Client Focus

  •  Children and adolescents (9-18)
  •  Social anxiety
  • Specific phobias
  • Panic attacks
  • Separation anxiety
  • Agoraphobia
  • Obsessions and compulsions

Other Specialties at McLean Hospital

  • Alcohol and Drug Treatment
  • Children and Adolescents
  • Geriatric Psychiatry
  • Schizophrenia and Bipolar disorder
  • Trauma
  • Clinical Resources
  • Personality Disorders
  • Eating Disorders


Accreditations & Qualifications

McLean Hospital founded in: 1811

McLean Anxiety Mastery Program in operation since: 2013


The program is partly self-pay and partly insurance-based. McLean accepts Medicare, Massachusetts Medicaid, and many private insurance and managed care plans.



McLean Hospital Mission Statement

McLean Hospital is dedicated to improving the lives of people and families affected by psychiatric illness.

McLean Hospital Core Values

We dedicate ourselves each and every day to McLean’s mission of clinical care, scientific discovery, professional training and public education in order to improve the lives of people with psychiatric illness and their families.

More about McLean

“McLean Values are at the core of everything we do. As clinicians, researchers, educators, administrators and support staff, we conduct ourselves in ways that reflect our deep commitment to integrity, compassion and respect, diversity and teamwork, excellence and innovation. These Values are the essence of McLean; they are at once emblematic of who we are and what we aspire to be.” – Scott L. Rauch, MD, President and Psychiatrist in Chief, McLean Hospital


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