Our Latest Blogs

Capital One and Così of Stamford Join Laurel House to Deliver Holiday Meals to Adults with Mental Health Conditions During the Pandemic

fairfield county handing out food

Employees of Capital One’s Stamford office joined Laurel House and the staff of Così in Stamford to deliver 70 box lunches to participants in Laurel House’s supportive programs for people living with mental health disorders. Laurel House’s annual Memorial Day picnic is a favorite holiday event for clients. Many look forward to it weeks in […]

How to Cope with Receiving a Mental Health Diagnosis

woman smells a flower

Getting a mental health diagnosis can be a relief. If you’ve been struggling with symptoms, attributing them to a specific condition can mean having a framework for making sense of how you feel and taking steps towards managing it. However, it can also be overwhelming. The world of mental illness is still often misrepresented and […]

How I Supported a Friend Experiencing Mental Health Issues during Coronavirus Isolation

online friend support

For people with a history of mental health issues, such as anxiety disorders or depression, isolating during the COVID-19 pandemic can create the perfect storm of worry to cause a crisis. I knew that one of my dearest friends would be experiencing just such a difficult time, and as a friend, I knew I had […]

Helping Students with Anxiety in School

girl trying to concentrate

A Note from the Editor This guest post on school anxiety was submitted to us prior to the onset of the coronavirus pandemic in the United States. Students with anxiety may be feeling a temporary reprieve from symptoms as schools have either closed or offer remote learning via online classes. However, the problem will be […]

5 Ways to Free Your Mind from Intrusive Thoughts

swimming polar bear

You’re headed to bed early – excited to finally get a full night’s rest. But as soon as your head hits the pillow, your brain is consumed with an unwanted, disturbing thought. You continue to dwell on that thought, tossing and turning all night long. Have you ever experienced a similar scenario where an unwelcome […]

How Your Teen with OCD Can Use a Calendar to Survive the Coronavirus Shutdown

daily planning calendar

Given that teens with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and anxiety disorders crave control, repetitive daily routines, and certainty, COVID-19 and the disruptions caused by stay-at-home orders and school closings present some serious challenges.  As a person with OCD myself, I can say I have had to adapt and put into place strategies that are specific to […]

Why You Shouldn’t Be Embarrassed to Consult a Therapist

young woman on life path

Living in peace and harmony with ourselves is all we strive for as humans. In the end, our goal is to maximize our happiness and develop an intrinsic understanding of who we are. The question is, how will we ever start doing that without putting in the active effort? The simplest answer is, we won’t. […]

Sound Body, Sound Mind

yoga pose

Just how closely is your mental health connected to your physical health? Your mental health and physical health might be more connected than you think.  Envision your mental health and your physical health as two sides of a shiny new coin.  On the mental health side is your emotional, psychological, and social well-being.  Flip it […]

5 Simple Habits to Boost Your Mental Health during Quarantine

woman with umbrella

Who would have known that the spring of 2020 would start off with everybody stuck in their homes isolated away from the outside world? Many businesses are losing money or have even shut down, and companies are furloughing employees just to survive. Some workers were able to go remote to work from home while others […]

Dealing with Roommate Conflict during Coronavirus Quarantine

bored roommate

It’s no secret that the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has significantly altered our lives and affected communities around the globe. Institutions, businesses, and organizations are facing temporary shutdowns, leading to ongoing collective anxiety and a loss of global status. At the moment, one of the biggest challenges we face is the stay-at-home orders set in […]

The Difference Between Normal Aging and Dementia

senior couple hugging

A Note from the Editor May 7, 2020, is National Older Adults Mental Health Awareness Day. Many older people will behave in a way that makes us wonder about their mental health. Sometimes the changes we notice are just part of the normal aging process. But they could also be the signs of emerging dementia. […]

How I Functioned through Test Anxiety

studying for exam

First grade, the earliest I can recall is the feeling of a flood of overwhelming thoughts and body sensations. First grade was when it all started, timed math tests and pop spelling quizzes. Even in my youthful brain, I had racing thoughts, self-criticism, and negative self-talk and butterflies in my stomach, both before and during […]

Those Who Serve: A Salute to Our Mental Health Care Heroes

thank you frontline heroes sign.

May is Mental Health Health Awareness Month, a time to reflect on the impact of mental health disorders on individuals and their families every day of the year. For people living with mental illness, the coronavirus pandemic is one more challenge among many they face each day. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that having […]

Overcoming Any Fear: Using Exposure and Response Prevention Techniques to Cope with Anxiety

overcome anxiety drawing

May is Mental Health Awareness Month Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health condition in the United States, affecting 40 million individuals age 18 and older (18.1% of adult Americans) every year. When two brothers from the United Kingdom offered to share an animated video focusing on this common but potentially disabling group of […]

Coping with Coronavirus Quarantine: Resources for Caregivers of Loved Ones with Mental Health Conditions

mother and daughter face masks

By now, we have all heard reports of how the coronavirus pandemic and economic shutdown are affecting mental health. Social isolation, job loss, disruption of routines, and grief or fear of losing loved ones have created conditions that seem likely to set off an explosion of depression and anxiety. Meanwhile, 22% of Americans over the […]

How to Handle Abusive Relationships and Mental Illness

abused woman

One of the most harmful misconceptions about abusive relationships is that they are the product of mental illness. Research demonstrates that those who commit violence in their relationships are no more likely to be mentally ill than the general population, and it’s understood that it’s abusive people’s value systems that are unwell rather than their […]

The 5 Best Mood-Tracking Apps

young woman on smartphone

New technologies have been a complete blessing for millions of people worldwide, especially for those who suffer from mood swings or depression, because now they have access to some therapeutic apps that help them track their moods faster and more easily. Those who live with depression, mood swings, or even anxiety know how scary and […]

Helping Your Child Manage an Eating Disorder During the Coronavirus Pandemic

teen with phone

By Dr. Amanda Fialk, LCSW, LICSW Partner and Chief of Clinical Services at The Dorm The global coronavirus pandemic is impacting lives everywhere. And for those vulnerable populations with an eating disorder (EDO), social distancing measures and other mass disruptions have created the perfect storm. Across the country, we have seen widescale interruptions to conventional […]

“Learning to Give” – A Personal Story of Mental Health Recovery

helping hands

I experienced a happy childhood in many ways.  My father was a college professor, and my mother had a medical transcription business at home.  I was loved and cared for.  Seven years after my birth, my sister Laura came along.  She was a joy and a delight to me. I attended a private school, and […]

Finding Your True Self during the Coronavirus Lockdown

self-care tablet

The coronavirus COVID-19 has had an unquestionable impact on our lives and the lives of people across the globe. One of the biggest challenges faced by humans as a collective has been going into lockdown. For the time being, our movements, our ability to see friends and loved ones, and even where we work, is […]

How to Support Survivors of Abuse

supportive friend

A Note from the Editor Domestic violence is always a problem in all societies throughout the world. In normal times, one in five women in relationships report being physically or domestically abused in the prior year. Experts predicted that the stay-at-home restrictions and stress caused by the coronavirus pandemic would worsen the problem. Now with […]

How to Stay Connected During Social Distancing from Coronavirus

woman on video chat

As we continue practicing self-isolation and maintaining safe social distances, it’s essential to figure out how to stay connected to each other. Even though we can’t see our loved ones physically, we can use multiple other methods to maintain meaningful relationships. It’s necessary for our mental health, too. From video chat software to traditional handwritten […]

What to Expect from Outpatient Eating Disorder Treatment

supportive friends

When someone has made the essential first step to recovery and begun to seek out treatment options for eating disorders, the choices can be overwhelming. There is no one-size-fits-all way to treat an eating disorder, but choosing to obtain treatment on an outpatient (also known as day treatment) basis offers several advantages. Among the most important of these advantages […]

5 Tips to Maintain Your Mental Health as a New Mom

new mother and baby

As you move through each trimester of your pregnancy, you and your doctor will focus on many aspects of your physical health. You’ll monitor your blood pressure, heart rate, and weight to make sure you’re progressing without any medical problems. You’ll also keep an eye on any chronic conditions, such as diabetes or heart issues […]

The Importance of Surrender in Addiction Recovery

man praying

I am coming up on five years in recovery from drugs and alcohol. A remarkable feat for me personally as I spent many years attempting to get sober. From the ages of 21 to 26, I went to a handful of treatment centers. Going in, I truly did want to stop doing drugs and wanted […]

Managing Anxiety During the Coronavirus Crisis: Guidelines for Parents

parent and child homework

A Note from the Editor With the coronavirus pandemic as the top worry on everybody’s mind these days, we bring you a guest post by a Fairfield County therapist writing about anxiety in the era of COVID-19. Tracey Masella is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in private practice in Wilton, CT. Kim O’Rielly, the Young […]

How to Complement Your Mental Health Care with At-Home Self-Care

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Even though mental health isn’t talked about in the same way that other health problems are, it affects a large portion of the population. In 2017, an estimated 46.6 million American adults had a mental illness, or 18.9 percent of all U.S. adults (almost 1 in 5). As more research and statistics come to light, […]

Ridgefield Therapy Group Offers Free Online Yoga Classes during Coronavirus Pandemic

yoga online learning

Insight Counselling, LLC, a therapy practice in Ridgefield, CT, is offering free online yoga classes, while Connecticut residents practice social distancing to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19. Elizabeth Jorgensen, CADC, the owner and director of Insight Counseling, is a guest blogger for www.rtor.org and a nationally recognized expert in counseling and engaging […]

How Students Can Maintain Their Mental Health While Engaging in Online Learning During the Coronavirus Pandemic

online learning

The spread of COVID-19, also known as the novel coronavirus, is changing what we consider normal. We’re practicing social distancing to try to slow the spread of the virus, and in many parts of the world, that also includes shutting down schools and making the switch to online learning. While this can be a useful […]

9 Ways to Help Your Child Handle College Stress

college student laptop

Alex was an outstanding high school student. He took all the AP classes he could and left for college with a number of credits already under his belt. Life was good. The shock came pretty quickly. Here was a completely new “ball game.” While he breezed through his high school courses, the academic expectations of […]

A Darien High School Senior Reflects on Missed Graduation and What Matters Most During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Lily Genovese, a life-long Darien resident and senior at Darien High School, has been involved in the Darien community from day one. As a freshman, Lily joined the Darien Depot Teen Center Student Governing Board and is currently serving her second year as Co-President of the Depot’s Board. She also joined the Darien Community Fund’s […]

7 Ways Pets Improve Your Mental Health

7 Ways Pets Improve Your Mental Health Dogs, cats, and other pets are cute and cuddly companions that many people welcome into their family. In recent years, society has started to appreciate the intelligence and calming effect pets can have on their owners. The increasing number of pets has caused a booming pet industry for […]

Emotional Survival Guide for COVID-19

A Note from the Editor This week’s featured guest post is by psychologist, Dr. Joanna Fava. Dr. Fava wrote this article for the clients of her therapy practice, to help them cope with the stress and uncertainty of the unfolding coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. As soon as  I read it, I knew it was something we […]

What’s Involved in Bulimia Nervosa Recovery?

supportive hug

Bulimia nervosa is more than a simple binge/purge series of behaviors; it’s a complex mental health disorder that requires a mixture of psychotherapy, psychiatric help, and behavioral modification during recovery. Bulimia nervosa recovery also depends on continued support from the individual’s family, close friends, and aftercare groups of both peers and counselors, even after leaving […]

Depression and Its Effect on Your Life

woman in bed

Clinical depression is also called a major depressive mood disorder. It is a serious and common medical condition, which negatively affects the way you feel, act, and think. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 8.1 percent of Americans aged 20 and over experienced depression in a given two-week period. Different people experience […]

Maintaining Health and Wellness at College

college student studying

This guest post by student wellness expert Alyssa Abel was added to our publishing queue more than a month ago, before the advent of the coronavirus COVID19 in the United States. Now, with many colleges and universities moving to online classes and scaling back on-campus operations, these tips for maintaining student health and wellness are […]

How to Get Motivated to Exercise When You Have Depression

exercise buddies

When the going gets tough, simple procedures like getting dressed in the morning or taking a shower can represent a real burden, let alone going for a morning jog. When you have depression or when you feel stressed and agitated due to the daily grind and workload, it can feel utterly impossible to get your […]

What a Mental Health Diagnosis Means (And Doesn’t Mean) About You

african american musician

“Freddy Jones is a 58-year-old, African-American male carrying a diagnosis of bipolar disorder.” This is how most mental health professionals talk about you. “Freddy Jones is a 58-year-old male immigrant from Congo who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. He has discussed an inability to sleep due to constantly working on his album. He speaks […]

The Reality of a Residential Eating Disorder Treatment Stay for Adolescents

Many adolescents who need eating disorder treatment, and their families, have a sense of trepidation when it comes to re-enrolling in a residential program.  A residential program disrupts school, activities and social life.  Prospective patients might want to create some kind of cover story for their absence, to avoid their peers and teachers knowing they’re […]

Facts About Co-Occurring Disorders That Often Go Unnoticed

Most of us know someone personally who struggles with a dual diagnosis, or the presence of a substance use disorder and coexisting mental health disorder. Many people rely on the numbing effects of a substance to help them manage a difficult mental health issue. Sadly, the end result is often two co-occurring disorders that only […]

Why the Link between Depression and Substance Abuse Is More Complicated Than It Appears

substance abuse depression

So, which came first, depression or substance abuse? The question is akin to the chicken/egg conundrum that has befuddled generations, yet the relationship between substance abuse and depression is much more complex than meets the eye. Of course, those who live with co-occurring disorders understand this complexity all too well. “Co-occurring disorders,” also called dual […]

3 Dos and 3 Don’ts When Talking to Loved Ones with Bulimia Nervosa

It’s devastating to watch loved ones struggle with an illness they can’t control, and it’s even harder when you feel hopeless to help them.  Unfortunately, millions of us will be confronted with this challenging scenario – one percent of Americans will display symptoms of bulimia nervosa at some point in their lives. If it’s that […]

Rebuilding Bridges: My Story of Addiction Recovery

rebuilding bridges

Active addiction was rough for me. My alcohol and drug abuse, along with the choices I made, damaged me physically, emotionally and spiritually. It was also a terrible time for those around me. Between my lying, stealing, abusive behavior and general acts of craziness, I made a lot of people unhappy. And the people closest […]

Does the Addictive Personality Really Exist?

addictive personality

If someone were to ask what types of people get addicted to drugs or alcohol, most of the population would be able to offer a few general ideas. They may say that individuals with an “addictive personality” would be the ones most likely to become inadvertently and unhealthily preoccupied and reliant on a substance. Yet […]

Ways Working in the Gig Economy Can Negatively Impact Your Mental Health

uber driver

Over the last decade, the way we work has dramatically changed. Freelance, contract, and gig work have become a dominating force in the modern employment landscape. And the gig economy shows no signs of slowing down: According to Forbes, 36% of the U.S. workforce is involved in the gig economy, which equals about 57 million […]

Parenting with a Mental Illness – My Lessons Learned

father playing with kids

I have a major mental illness and I’m a parent. These two things do not have to be incompatible with each other. According to the stigmatizing stereotypes, I should be destitute and unable to maintain relationships. In reality, I’m married and have a daughter, 11, and son, 10. I have a great relationship with all […]

Can Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Help Treat Eating Disorders Like Bulimia Nervosa?

A prominent eating disorder which is defined by binge eating episodes that are followed by purging (for example, self-induced vomiting) to avoid gaining weight, bulimia nervosa affects almost two percent of adult women in the United States at some point in their lives. Although bulimia nervosa, like all other eating disorders, can become deeply ingrained […]

Live Your Best Life: 7 Mental Health & Wellness Tips for the LGBTQI+ Community

best life heart in wood

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the risk of having mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety disorders is almost three times higher for those identifying as LGBTQI+. Even more disturbing is the suicide rate among the LGBTQI+ community, which is the second leading cause of death among those ages 10 to […]

An Evening with Laurel House

evening with laurel house dance

Laurel House, Inc., a nonprofit organization providing mental health resources to people living with mental illness in lower Fairfield County, will hold its annual fundraiser on April 25, 2020 at the Delamar, Greenwich Harbor in Greenwich, CT. An Evening with Laurel House includes a cocktail reception, dinner, dancing, and raffles throughout the evening. All proceeds […]

8 Best Mobile Apps for Mental Health

apps for mental health

One in four people in the entire world will be affected by mental illness or neurological disorders at some point in their lives – World Health Organization (WHO) Yes, let that sink in. With mental health affecting the lives of millions, and individuals not seeking help due to the associated stigma, it also remains one […]

Teen Rehab: Stigma vs. Need

addicted teens

Drug rehab is considered so universally uncool that there’s even a top 10 hit song about it. 2006’s “Rehab” was written and performed by Amy Winehouse, a musician who struggled with illicit substances throughout her short life. And in 2011, Winehouse tragically lost her battle with addiction. She was just 27. It was Winehouse’s former […]

How to Help Your Resistant Child (Teen to Young Adult) Accept Substance Abuse/Psychiatric Help

resistant child

Part One (of a two part series) – Inside the Illness When someone has a serious psychiatric illness, one of the most difficult aspects of the condition is that most sufferers cannot see the true extent of their symptoms. Some cannot see that they have symptoms at all, and instead project blame for their distress […]

What It’s Like to Get Ketamine Infusions for Depression

smiling young woman

When I couldn’t keep my medication history straight anymore, I found myself heading toward a low point in my depression. I had moved home after graduating from college and, hoping to make my mental health a priority, began the process of finding new providers. I soon discovered that I could not remember the timeline of […]

You Are Not Your Disorder: 3 Steps To Overcome Fear During Recovery

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As a life coach, I’ve noticed that fear is the #1 commonality among my clients who experience anxiety and depression. One of the most crippling inhibitors during the recovery process is fear. Fear of the unknown, more specifically. So often, we allow our diagnosis to become a part of our identity — who we are, […]

How Do I Help My Child or Loved One Engage with Therapy?

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As a therapist, one of the most common issues that parents and family members ask me about their loved one is “how can we make him/her come to therapy?” I would like to share some thoughts and ideas about this. The short answer is, “You can’t!” Every adult has the right to consent to treatment, […]

Why Social Anxiety Disorder Is More And More Common in Our Society

anxious young woman

Social situations may arouse strong emotions for some of you. You have sweaty palms and a sore throat when you must give a speech in front of 100 people. You might feel that you cannot face a social situation because you are too nervous and agitated to do it. Going out to clubs or crowded […]

Talking About Suicide with Someone Who is Suicidal

depressed woman

When I was in college, I had a friend approach me and tell me he was suicidal. We had been on a drive and he asked me to stop so he could tell me something. That’s when he confided in me and told me how he was feeling and how long he had felt that […]

The Power of Positive Self-Image for Those in Recovery

Self Reflection

Holistic healing refers to the treatment of the whole person to achieve optimal wellness. And for those recovering from substance abuse, taking a holistic approach to care may be the key to success and lifelong freedom from drugs and alcohol. The recovery process, therefore, should be a multifaceted endeavor involving physical healing from addiction as […]

How to Support Your LGBTQIA Friends and Family

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 LGBTQIA: Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex and asexual or allied. Despite the legalization of same-sex marriage and the inroads made in LGBTQIA advancement in the past several decades, members of this population are still victims of violent crime at an alarming rate each year, according the Human Rights Campaign (HRC). The organization […]

4 Reasons Why It’s a Good Idea to Speak Openly About Your Mental Illness with Your Kids

father and daughters

One of the fears we have as parents is that by exposing our children to the reality of our brokenness (our fears, our shortcomings, and yes, even our mental illness), we’ll be unnecessarily burdening them. Nothing could be further from the truth. The following are four reasons why I’ve refused to let mental illness be […]

5 Things You Need to Know About Device Addiction

cellphone addiction

Chances are good that you’re reading this article on a smartphone, and you are probably not alone. The average adult in the U.S spent 3 hours, 35 minutes per day on mobile devices in 2018. Drawing that out even further, the average human will spend 6 years and 8 months on social media in his […]

Overdiagnosis or Underdiagnosis of ADHD

Overdiagnosis or Underdiagnosis of ADHD

Mental health is a hot button issue in society today — which is excellent, because having frank discussions is important in the fight against stigma. However, the subject of diagnosis does not often form part of popular discussion. We have a tendency to overlook the sometimes challenging mechanics of psychiatric diagnosis. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder […]