It’s that time of year again when TV ads have shifted away from buying holiday presents to signing up for gym memberships. Even if you have no fitness goals in mind, if you’re like most Americans, you’ll make a New Year’s resolution…and give up on it by February. If you want to avoid this, there […]
Our Latest Blogs
Have you noticed that the term “self-care” has recently become a dividing topic? It seems people fall into two camps: those who champion all forms of self-care and those who think self-care is selfishness in disguise. This is made clear by a video released on the popular YouTube channel, College Humor. In the video […]
Have you noticed that the days are much shorter and darker this time of year? These changes in weather and light can affect our mood and energy levels. Over 10 million Americans are estimated to have seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or seasonal depression. The cold days, long nights, and isolation of winter can make […]
Remember secret agent, Angus MacGyver, who always knew how to fix any situation he got himself into with so much as a paperclip? Nowadays, the character is so well-known that we refer to the ability to fix anything as MacGyvering. While MacGyver made for great TV back in the 80’s, the idea of always being able to […]
Many of the introvert struggles I hear and have experienced myself revolve around socializing: some people are too loud and pushy, some friends don’t respect boundaries, and networking requires too much small talk. The list could go on and on. I empathize with how uncomfortable the world can be for introverts especially since most […]
Do you naturally seek out peace and quiet? Do you find yourself needing down time more than most people you know? Does the idea of going to a party fill you with dread? If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, chances are you’re an introvert. There are a lot of myths out […]
Today’s post comes to us from Dr. Alex Diaz who is a psychologist and licensed clinical social worker as well as one of RtoR’s Family-Endorsed Providers. His post highlights the toll stress takes on our well-being and how we can learn to handle stress more effectively. Thank you, Dr.Diaz, for sharing with us on –Veronique Hoebeke, Associate Editor What is stress? […]
What are your goals? Do you want to lose weight, get into a certain college, or start your own business? Having an idea of what you want to achieve in life is great but there might be something standing in the way of you achieving those goals: Stubbornness. At first you might think that Stubbornness […]
Don’t you want to feel like a kid again? Who wouldn’t miss a time where you didn’t have a million tasks on your To-Do list, where you could daydream all the time, and you only had to look out for yourself? Childhood was a great time for sure but just because you’re an adult now […]
The internet is littered with people talking about goals. Whether it’s fitness goals, “squad” goals or business goals, it’s clear we, as humans, are always trying to better ourselves. Usually there is a bad habit or two keeping most people from achieving or sticking with their goals. Maybe your love of junk food is […]
This week I call your attention to the problem of “Failure to Launch” (FTL) in young adults. I’m not referring to the awful 2006 movie Failure to Launch starring Matthew McConaughey and Sarah Jessica Parker. In the Hollywood version of FTL a handsome, fun-loving yacht salesman who lives with his parents at age 35 has […]
Writing this blog post has not been easy for me. The trouble I’ve had with this post isn’t because I find it too much for me or the topic uninteresting, it’s because I don’t identify myself as a spiritual person and struggle with the notion that one has to be spiritual to be well. […]
Don’t you wish there was a way to magically feel better about yourself? Or that you could have less mood swings and less fights with your loved ones? There may not be any magic potions to fix everything in an instant but learning how to use Dialectical Behavior Therapy or DBT may be the […]
Sleeping better is not my new year’s resolution this year but a few years back it was the number one thing I needed to improve in my life. I spent most of my freshman and sophomore years of college staring at the ceiling, wondering why I couldn’t fall asleep. Little did I know that I […]
New Year’s is a time when many of us stop to reflect on the year just passed and promise ourselves that we’ll do better in the one to come. The custom of making resolutions at the start of a new year goes back to the times of Julius Caesar. He introduced the Julian calendar […]
It seems like a no-brainer that spending time outside in the fresh air while doing physical activities is good for us. Thankfully, there are many research findings which indicate that spending time in nature, especially while exercising, has many mental health benefits. From a boost in self-esteem and attention span to decreased feelings of depression […]
The holidays are supposed to be a time of relaxation, good food and family fun, right? Well that isn’t always the case. Google searches for “family fights” and related search terms always increase right around Thanksgiving and the Winter holidays. Expectations and stress can be high around the holidays and if you or a loved […]
The University of New Hampshire has identified three areas that are the most important for your social wellness. Having lots of friends and acquaintances isn’t the pinnacle of being socially well. You have to take into account how you communicate, how healthy each relationship is and how you can manage your stress. Check out […]
Wellness is a concept that affects all parts of our lives and certainly something that we should bring into the workplace. It’s estimated that the average American worker spends 9 hours a day doing work-related duties so it makes sense to incorporate elements of wellness in such a major area of our lives. Before […]
Environmental wellness focuses on what is around you on a daily basis and how your surrounding can affect you both positively and negatively. It’s easy to get so used to who and what you see everyday that you become blind to what can be emotionally and physically harmful in your surroundings. Here are 3 questions to ask yourself […]
“One of the secrets of life is to keep our intellectual curiosity acute” – William Lyon Phelps In our modern lives, there are so many things to keep track of: making healthy meals, being physically active, staying on top of things at work, making sure the kids are doing well in school and about a million other […]
“A wise man ought to realize that health is his most valuable possession” – Hippocrates It’s no mystery that taking care of your physical well-being is extremely important to your health and happiness. Yet, the average American leads a busy stressed-out life which puts health and wellness on the back burner. There is a lot of complicated information […]
Keeping your emotional well-being balanced is no easy task. Feelings can be hard to figure out and they might appear to be out of your control. Being able to manage your emotions and have healthy relationships with others is vital to your emotional wellness. Keeping these five tips in mind can help you achieve emotional […]
. is pleased to have disability advocate Michael De Rosa guest blogging on the site today. Michael is editor of the website and author of the soon to be published self-help workbook “Unlimited Potential: empowerment tools at your finger tips.” His lived experience with anxiety and other disabilities, […]